Little B slept in this morning. Simone, like most parents, was worried. She repeatedly went into the little guy's room to check whether he was awake yet. He wasn't.
She felt the bed to check whether he'd wet it. (Hey, you never know.)
He hadn't.
She crept up close to the bed to see whether he was hiding under the covers for fun. Kids'll do that sometimes. He wasn't.
Up until 8:30 am, he was snoring contentedly.
At 8:35 am, he was sitting up in his bed, looking dazed and confused.
"Hurry," said Simone. "We're running really late this morning. You'll have to move fast if you don't want to miss your bus!" The bus comes at 8:50 am. That left fifteen minutes to use the facilities, get dressed, have breakfast, brush teeth, grab the lunch box, put on coat, hat and mittens and shoes and race out to the bus stop.
Even racing at top speed, the bus rounded the corner before Simone and little B reached the stop. Little B stopped moving for a heartbeat. "Reilllllly!" He yelled his bus driver's name. "Wait for me!" And he raced out to meet the bus, swishing past Simone who was moving at a good pace herself. The bus driver opened the bus door and smiled at little B's panicked expression.
"It's okay, buddy," she reassured him. "I'll always wait for you."
Little B moved up the bus steps as though his legs weighed a thousand pounds each and buried his head in Reilly's chest. "Thank-you," he whispered.
Reilly patted little B's head. D'ya think that all bus drivers would wait for people if we treated them like that?
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