Saturday, July 31, 2010

Les beaux...

Le petit B traversait la section des sous-vêtements, les yeux écarquillés. Il n'en revenait simplement pas.

"Des seins violets!" S'écria-t-il, les mains tendues vers un soutien gorge couleur mauve.

"Oh! Des seins blancs! Avec des coeurs!" Il souriait aux anges, ses doigts fermés autour du sous-vêtement. "Et ils sont tous doux!"

We saw him and her holding hands...

Simone chatted with a young lady whose parents had been high school teachers. At one point, while in Grade 6, she took an English class at the school where her parents taught. It wasn't known then that she was the daughter of the two teachers.

One day, she went shopping with her dad. She held his hand as they walked through the hardware store. Some high school students happened to spot them. Shocked, they kept this information for themselves and took it back to the girl's mother.

"We saw your husband holding hands with one of the students at the XYZ hardware store yesterday morning! A Grade 6 student!" They whispered, visibly horrified.

"So?" Said the mother-teacher, knowing full well that her husband and daughter had gone to the XYZ hardware store the previous day.

The reporting students went completely still, unable to comprehend their teacher's lack of reaction!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Attendre, c'est fatiguant...

Le petit B n'en pouvait plus d'attendre. Il pouvait voir les glissoires, l'eau et les bouées et il était bien décidé à entrer dans le parc. Malheureusement il y avait deux problèmes:
Problème 1: le parc n'était pas encore ouvert
Problème 2: Simone et le petit B faisaient partis d'un groupe qui n'était pas encore arrivé sur place donc aucun accès aux billets déjà payés
Solution? Surtout pas attendre. D'abord, il faut pousser les gens qui bloquent l'entrée, y compris les employés du parc. Lorsque ceci ne nous permet pas d'entrer dans le parc, se mettre à hurler. S'il n'y a pas de progrès. s'allonger par terre et se débattre autant que possible.
Quand on attend comme ça, que c'est fatiguant...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I want to go HOME!!!

The visit to the cottage was going spectacularly well. Little B had managed to walk to the beach, play in the sand, splash in the water and have a ride in the green boat with Auntie L.

"I didn't scream," he pointed out to Simone.

"You're right," Simone agreed. "You didn't scream."

"I didn't cry," little B continued.

"You're right. You didn't cry and that's excellent. I'm very proud of you."

"I need to go potty."

Simone rolled with the punches of the conversation. "Okay. Let's go back to the cottage and use the potty."

Little B went through the motions but it was no good.

"Nothing's coming out," he said.

"Then get dressed."

"I want to go home," he said.

"Try again," suggested Simone.

Little B sat on the potty to no avail.

"I want to go home."

"Oh," said Simone. So it's like THAT is it?

And when they got home two hours later, it was indeed like that...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

La peinture à l'eau...

Les enfants devaient utiliser de la peinture diluée afin de peindre une scène de pluie. Simone voulait aider. Elle a sorti les pinceaux. Elle a sorti les pots de peinture. Elle a sorti des plats dans lesquels elle pourrait ensuite mettre la peinture. Elle a secoué les bouteilles de peinture.

Pendant ce temps, les enfants l'observaient, les yeux graves. Ils avaient tous hâte de peindre leurs chef-d'oeuvres.

Et hop! La peinture bleue est prête. Et hop! La peinture jaune est prête. Et hop!

Patatras et pfft! La peinture rouge explose et crache des gouttes couleur sang sur le visage et le corps de Simone. Gagné! Le fou de rire prend les enfants.

Au fait... il faut faire comme je dis; pas comme je fais.

Car wash

It sounded like a wonderful, efficient way of getting a job done while keeping with the theme of the week: water.

The idea was to fill up the water table, a table with a hollowed out bowl like depression and a ridge in the middle to separate into two halves as well as faucets on the bottom to empty out the water once done. One side had suds. One side had fresh water.

The children were then given a pail filled with toy cars and a sponge each. They were then told that they were running a car wash and had to wash each and every car individually.

Out of eight kids (all boys) crowded around the water table, precisely one of them did as asked. The others either attempted to do so or blatantly disregarded instructions. One boy, who was scheduled to go for his annual portraits after his visit to the drop-in centre, even tried to climb into the water table.

In the end, water flooded the floor when one particularly curious child discovered the faucets and opened them.

Was the mess worth it? Well... the kids had a blast...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Les carottes et les melons

Le mari de Simone conduisait son camion de fruits et de légumes à quatre heures du matin. Une voiture passait par là. Dedans, trois jeunes femmes lui firent signe de baisser sa fenêtre. Il s'exécuta.

"Eh, tu n'aurais pas une belle carotte pour nous dans ton camion," lança une des jeunes femmes.

Le mari de Simone secoua sa tête de gauche à droite. "Pas de carottes aujourd'hui."

"Parce que nous, on a de beaux melons," insista la jeune femme. "On peut faire un échange si tu veux. J'te trouve mignon. Tu me donnes une carotte et j'te laisse jouer avec mes melons. Ils sont beaux, hein?" Elle enleva son t-shirt.

"Euh, non, pas vraiment," fit le mari de Simone.

"T'as pas été gentil," sermonna Simone lorsqu'il lui raconta l'histoire. "Elle est sans doute en train de pleurer le triste sort de ses melons!"

"Qu'est-ce que tu voulais que je lui dise?" S'emporta le mari de Simone. "Il faisait nuit et je n'y voyais rien!"

Friday, July 23, 2010

Picking blackberries

Little B raced around the cottage for the umpteenth time.

"Where are you going now?" Asked Simone.

"Picking bewies," said little B without glancing back.

Simone sighed and glanced at the berries spilling out of the now converted beach pail. "Okee dokee," she said.

Little B picked enough of the tart blackberries to make a jar of jam. That kind of focus should be bottled. Simone, for her part, would rather have napped in the sun... That's probably why she isn't a world famous success, non?

Mes mesticles

Le petit B sautillait.

"Tu as besoin d'aller aux toilettes?" Lui demanda Simone.

"Oui," répondit le petit B.

Une fois qu'il fut assis sur la cuvette, Simone lui demanda, "Tu n'as pas de besoins à faire?"

"Non," répondit-il. "J'voulais jouer avec mes mesticles."

"C'est pas bien, ça," lui dit Simone.

"Si c'est bien," répliqua le petit B très sérieusement. "J'aime jouer avec mes mesticles."

Ça commence tôt...

The beach again???

Little B yawned in his car seat. Today's trip consisted of getting his older sister from the cottage where she'd spent a couple of days with their aunt and uncle and cousin.

"We can spend a bit of time at the beach," Simone told little B. He gave off another yawn.

Once at the cottage, the kids filled water balloons and wisely decided that Simone's wicked stare meant that it would be best for all concerned if they abstained from using her as target practice. When the group headed toward the beach, little B raced after his sister.

"It's time to go home!" He said.

"No, we're going to the beach," she took his hand. "Come on, we'll go in the water together."

Little B dragged his feet, going slower and slower until everyone save his sister and mother had passed him by. When the 12 year old managed to extricate herself from his death throes hold and race to the water, little B screeched. "Come back!" He ordered. "Come back now!"

Twenty minutes of crying and screaming ensued. Simone used the time by changing into her swimsuit then, seeing that the tears had not abated, began shovelling food into little B's mouth. He became mildly entertained by a seagull that pounced on a sandy piece of pineapple that had fallen off his plate and then, as he finished the last morsel of food, he relaxed a little.

"I want the green boat," he sobbed quietly.

Well that was easily solved. Voilà! The green boat.

"And then, I want to go home."

There must be such a thing as too much beach...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Trop fatigué...

Le petit B avait passé la matinée à la plage. Suite à une pause déjeuner, il revenait avec sa grande soeur et sa cousine.

"Attendez!" Hurlait-il. Il se dépêchait tant que possible mais n'arrivait pas à rattraper les grandes. D'ailleurs, celles-ci se jetaient dans le lac alors que le petit B ne faisait qu'atteindre le sentier qui menait à la plage.

"Revenez ici tout de suite!" S'écria-t-il. Peine perdue: les filles avait manifestement de l'eau dans les oreilles car elles ne répondèrent pas.

En pleurs, le petit B se blottissait contre sa mère. Deux minutes plus tard, il ronflait, endormi à mi-chemin entre le chalet et la plage. Et à 20 kilos, pas question de se promener avec lui dans les bras. Heureusement, Simone avait apporté de quoi lire!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Learning the art of conversation

Little B receives regular visits from a speech therapist. This means that he regularly receives homework in that department and the latest development is that he must learn the art of conversation.

"I don't understand how to help him," admitted Simone.

"Here," the speech therapist helpfully provided Simone with an envelope filled with images. "What you do is take one of these out. Look, I've found a picture with animals. My favourite animal is the giraffe. I like how tall a giraffe is and I think its blue tongue is funny. Now your turn."

Simone looked at the poorly drawn animals on the image. "My favourite animal is a dog," she said. "Dogs are loyal and fun to have around. I like to play ball with the dog but I don't like picking up after a dog does its business."

The speech therapist passed the image to little B. "My favoweet is the pig!" He exclaimed, having evidently caught on to the game.

"I don't like pigs," the speech therapist said. "I think they smell bad." She stopped speaking and gazed at little B meaningfully.

"My favoweet is the pig," he repeated after a few moments.

"What do you like about the pig?" Simone asked.

"It's preferable if you don't ask questions but pause instead to let him have his say," the speech therapist corrected.

"Really?" Simone asked, surprised.

"Really," the speech therapist said.

They both looked at little B. "My favoweet is the pig," he said, giving back the image with a puzzled look on his face.

The art of conversation may indeed present a challenge if questions are forbidden...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Le ballon rose

Simone, Papa et le petit B entrèrent dans le restaurant.

"Tu voudrais un ballon?" lui demanda l'hôtesse.

"Oui, un ballon rose, s'il te plait," s'empressa de répondre le petit B.

L'hôtesse remplissa un ballon rose d'hélium, attacha un beau ruban blanc au ballon et, ravi, le petit B suivit ses parents vers les escaliers qui menaient à la terrasse avec vue sur le lac. Simone s'arrêta un instant, le temps d'attacher le ruban autour du poignet de son fils. "Il y a du vent aujourd'hui," expliqua-t-elle.

Malheureusement, le noeud de Simone n'eut pas l'effet désiré. Une brusque rafale de vent emporta le beau ballon rose dès qu'ils arrivèrent sur la terrasse. Le petit B regardait son ballon s'éloigner et se mit à pleurer bruyamment.

"Je m'en occupe," offrit Papa. Il dévala les escaliers et disparut en bas. Quelques minutes plus tard, Papa revenait avec un ballon rose.

"C'est pas le même," renifla le petit B.

"Ouf," souffla Papa. "Si tu savais ce que j'ai courru pour rattraper ton ballon! Heureusement, il s'est accroché à un arbre."

Et, avec un brin de méfiance, le petit B adopta le nouveau ballon.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Owange Pwaygwound?

"So, where do you want to go today?" Simone asked little B.

"Owange pwaygwound," he said.

"The orange playground?" Simone searched in her memory bank and failed to come up with an exact match.

"Yeth," little B replied, somewhat impatiently. "De one with de beach?"

"Ah!" Simone nodded, understanding at last. "You mean the pirate ship playground?"

It was little B's turn to stare at his mother dubiously. "Ooooh kay...."

Sometimes we speak but we simply can't communicate.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Ce fut une journée ordinaire. En moins d'une heure, Simone était chargée d'acheter le café de sa belle-mère, de préparer le lunch de la fille de 12 ans et du petit B, de surveiller le repas, de tout nettoyer, d'amener la fille de 12 ans au centre où elle vendait des chocolats et d'aller chercher son mari à l'autre bout de la ville car il avait déposé un camion de location à l'agence de location et se trouvait sans voiture.

"Naan-naan, je veux du jus, s'il te plait," dit le petit B.

Simone remplissa le verre de jus de l'enfant et replaça le pot de jus de pomme dans la porte du frigo. À cet instant précis, l'étagère supérieure de la porte du frigo lacha prise. Deux contenants de lait et un médicament dans une bouteille en verre s'affalèrent contre la deuxième étagère plus bas qui elle aussi lâcha prise. Trois pots de jus s'écrasèrent par terre. Le plancher de la cuisine était recouvert de plusieurs liquides.


Et bien, ce jour-là, le délai d'une heure pour tout faire n'allait pas être trop réussi...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bacon anyone?

Simone and family are eating a mostly vegan, sometimes vegetarian diet.

The 19 year old inhabiting the separate basement apartment beneath Simone's home does not follow this diet at all.

Simone called the 19 year old. "What are you cooking?"

"Bacon," came the cheerful reply.

"Save me some?" Simone smiled gleefully at the idea of eating meat.

"Sure. Come down in about 10 minutes."

Simone cursed. "I can't. I have to leave in five!"

"No probs. I'll keep you some. It's chicken bacon though. Is that okay?"

Simone salivated. "It'll do."

When she returned from her outing, the 19 year old admitted, shamefaced, that he'd eaten the last two pieces of bacon mere moments ago.

"I was hungry!' He said. He held out a cookie bag. "Want an Oreo instead?"

"Ugh!" groaned Simone. "I wanted bacon!"

The 19 year old scarfed back a mountain of Oreos (R). "Easy come, easy go!" He grinned.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tu ne vas pas encore t'entêter!?!

Simone a une très mauvaise habitude.

Dès que le petit B se met à hurler pour une raison ou une autre, qu'il se soit fait bobo ou bien qu'il soit fatigué ou simplement de mauvaise humeur, Simone dit "Non" à toutes ses requêtes. Surtout s'il oublie ses s'il te plaits et ses mercis.

Simone a beau expliquer que si elle cède, le comportement du petit B ne fera que s'empirer, le mari de Simone n'y comprend rien.

Alors lorsque le petit B est tombé lors d'une promenade dans le parc et a commandé à ses parents de prendre un certain chemin, Simone a pris son air buté et son mari s'est exécuté.

"Ah non! Tu ne vas pas lui refuser ça!" S'étonna le mari de Simone en regardant sa femme.

Le petit B criait de plus belle.

"On rentre à la maison," grommela Simone en se dirigeant vers la voiture.

Le petit B arrêta de crier. "S'il te plait?" Demanda-t-il gentiment à sa mère.

"Avec plaisir," dit Simone, ravie.

Et elle prit le chemin choisi par son fils.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Beach Mess

Simone looked in dismay at her favourite beach. The sand was littered with empty bottles of all kinds: pop, coolers, beers. Garbarge had been strewn all over the place. People walked along, picking up the trash.

Oblivious to the mess, little B raced to the water's edge, where Simone picked up a couple of broken glass pieces.

When they retreated back to the car, Simone saw the police community van setting up shop. It turned out that kids had partied on the beach the night prior and the police needed people to make their feelings known about the detritus on the beach before the city would consent to do something about the issue.

Simone signed a comment card but... well, c'mon. Partying is okay but clean up after your mess. Please? Behave honourably. The world will be a better place for all of us.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Et la crème glacée, alors?

Il fait chaud.

Il fait très chaud.

"J'ai chaud," dit le petit B.

Pas étonnant puisqu'il fait 40 degrés Celsius presque tous les jours.

"Tu voudrais qu'on remplisse ta piscine?" Offre Simone. "Ou peut-être que tu préférerais aller te promener dans les magasins? Ils ont l'air climatisé là-bas."

Le petit B regarde sa mère, l'air de dire, "Mais tu ne comprends RIEN du tout!" "Et la crème glacée, alors?"

En effet, ce n'est pas une si mauvaise idée...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Say "Sorry!"

Little B settled down for a good read. He stretched out on his back on Mom's bed and opened the book. The book slipped out of his hands and hit him square in the face.

Little B's face scrunched up as he glared at the book. "Say 'Sorry!'" He told the book...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pas drôle...

Le petit B ne se sentait pas bien. Simone avait pris un rendez-vous chez le médecin et, dans une heure, ils allaient se rendre, Simone et le petit B, chez le docteur. Ils attendaient, assis l'un à coté de l'autre dans le fauteuil.

Et puis de la salive commença à couler le long du menton du petit B. Simone l'interpella: les yeux du petit B avaient beau être ouverts, il n'y avait manifestement personne là. Le petit B ne pouvait plus se tenir en position assise et la salive coulait de plus en plus. L'enfant se mit à trembler de tous ses membres. Il avait l'air d'avoir de la difficulté à respirer et ses lèvres viraient au bleu.

Il va mieux aujourd'hui, grâce à la pénicilline administrée pour combattre l'inflammation de ses amygdales.

Mais Simone a eu peur. On peut prétendre que les crises hyperpyrétiques sont sans conséquences pour les victimes mais Simone peut vous assurer que les témoins de ces crises, surtout pour la première fois, eux, ils ont très très mal au coeur...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Red eyes

Simone has not been flying through the night.

Nope. She has worn make up on the weekends. Day one usually looks smashing.

Day two? On day two, Simone makes a wonderful impression of a demon.

Maybe it's time to change the mascara, do you think?

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Au beau milieu de la nuit, c'est à dire vers 3 h du matin, Simone se précipita dans la chambre du petit B. Il pleurait, était recouvert de vomi et avait l'air très malheureux.

Maman amena l'enfant aux toilettes, changea les draps et les oreillers, nettoya les animaux en peluche, lava le plancher, désinfecta le lit, lava l'enfant, fit la lessive...

"Naan-naan," le petit B, allongé sur une serviette, rescapée de la lessive, leva une main tremblante vers sa mère. "Qu'est-ce que c'est?"

Simone fronça les sourcils et regarda le geste que le petit B faisait de plus près. "On dirait la lettre 't' en gestuelle," murmura-t-elle, abasourdie.

"Très bien," approuva le petit B. "Et maintenant?"

"C'est la lettre 'b'," hésita Simone.

"Bravo," dit le petit B, sans toutefois quitter la serviette. Il ferma les yeux et s'endormit, pas du tout conscient de son exploit. Car il faut le dire: Simone ne lui a pas appris à signer les lettres de l'alphabet...

Friday, July 2, 2010

I need tickets!

On Canada Day, little B went to the fair by the waterfront. There were people everywhere! There were bouncy castles and slides and fishing games and cotton candy and hot dogs... Little B couldn't get over how wonderful everything was!

Ignoring the line-ups, he tried to squeeze himself into the bouncy castles while Daddy purchased some tickets. He squawked loudly when informed that not only he couldn't get in without a ticket, he'd also have to go to the back of the line.

Still, rules are rules so little B gave a credible semblance of obeisance.

Then came the Rat Race. The Rat Race is a bouncy castle culminating in a slide. Two kids go in at once and race to see who'll come out first from the labyrinth. Daddy watched as the little guy climbed, ran, fell, got up and mastered the ladder up to the slide. Convinced that there was only one way out of the maze, Daddy's eagle gaze relaxed.

Then nothing.

The little guy disappeared. Daddy peered over the edge of the rat race but it had apparently swallowed little B in a single bite.

"There are two ways out of the game," said the game attendant. "The kids can cheat and use either side."

A few heart-wrenching moments later, little B was found. He'd just been sent away by the game attendant while trying to re-enter the Rat Race, due to a lack of tickets. Little B was walking up and down the line, eyeing the adults. "I need tickets," he said, clearly and forcefully.

Gonna go places, that one...