Simone was busy. Very busy. She was preparing several meals for the week ahead.
It had seemed like a perfect opportunity to get cooking: the kids were at school, the mother-in-law was at a doctor's appointment. Except that Simone forgot about one important factor: hubby. He was home and the absence of other players conjured up things much different than cooking in his mind.
"I need your help for a minute," called Simone.
He arrived with a camera.
A camera?
"Don't you know how sexy you look right now? I want to take your picture then let's get busy," he winked.
Exasperated, Simone glared at her husband. "I said I needed your help and not only do you come here with a camera but you want me to stand still for a few minutes?"
Failing to read the danger signs, Simone's hubby nodded agreeably.
"Argh!" Growled Simone. She marched toward hubby, removed the camera from his hands and handed him the pestle. "Here. Grind these fennel seeds for me."
"Grind?" Repeated Simone's husband.
"Fennel. Seeds."
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