Eliot the dog was trying to be a good dog. He really was. But the thing is, Simone had not moved from her spot on the couch for hours. On her lap, Baby B rested, his skin feverish and his eyes closed in sleep.
Eliot had to go. In fact, it was past "had to go" time but he knew there'd be trouble if he did his business in the house. He went up to Simone and licked her feet hopefully. She giggled and tucked her feet under her, juggling a little to keep Baby B's head steady.
Eliot licked Simone's right hand (it was closer). In the process, he licked a couple of keys on her laptop. They tasted yummy but when he leaned forward for further tongue investigation, Simone raised her hand in warning. Eliot backed off the laptop and resumed licking the back of Simone's hand.
"I can't take you out right now, Eliot," Simone told the dog. "Baby B is sleeping and he's feeling sick. When he wakes up, I'll take you for a walk."
Eliot sat back and cocked his head from side to side, as though he were pondering the meaning of Simone's little speech. He approched Baby B again and sniffed him. Eliot nudged his buddy a little but got no response.
"See? He's sick," Simone repeated.
Eliot expelled a breath, sending his jowls quivering. He rolled his eyes a little as he did this and sank down into a sitting then lying position.
And it was such a beautiful, sunny day...
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