No, the weather was actually lovely this weekend. Lots of sun during the day, a dash of warmth, a sprinkling of rain to cool things off in the evenings... Perfect weather for Simone.
No, the poopy part came in because Eliot the dog had the runs. The poor thing is now on such a restricted diet in an effort to reduce or eliminate the problem that he's begun staring at the marigolds with drool dripping from his snout...
But that's neither here nor there. The facts are thus: on Saturday at 3 am, Simone's mother-in-law woke Simone up to let her know that the dog was scratching like mad at the door. Turns out Eliot needed a walk on account of having the runs. Same thing on Sunday at 6 am. Simone was beginning to think that the dog might just love living on a farm, far, far away from 3 or 6 in the morning on the weekend.
For crying out loud.
Then Simone's niece dropped by for a visit. Simone had come in from grocery shopping, had tenants visiting the basement and groceries to put away. Oh, and the dog needed a walk but she thought that might wait for a few minutes. Shortly after her arrival, Simone realized that the baby's diaper needed changing (for the third time that morning - apparently he suffered from the Eliot disease too). Simone's niece stood watching as Simone wrestled the little guy to the floor.
"He's got a poopy diaper," Simone informed her niece.
Simone's niece shrugged. "I don't mind," she said.
So Simone proceeded to change the aforementioned poopy bum. Just as she was finishing up the job, her niece started shrieking. Simone examined the baby's butt but found no cause for the screeching.
"The dog!" shrieked Simone's niece. "Ew! He's pooped on the floor! Ew! He's doing it again!"
And we're not even going to get into the baby peeing on Simone.
No. We are not going there.
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