For Christmas, Simone's 20 year old gave her a beautifully wrapped box of energizing tea. Every morning since, Simone has enjoyed a steaming cuppa. And with each sip, Simone pondered on how wonderful a simple gift can be.
One box of tea provided Simone with over a month's worth of joyful moments. It's unlikely the 20 year old thought of this though you never know but his present evoked a journey down a well-trodden lane.
Simone remembered taking a tiny, perfect baby home one day. And the next day, she watched him stumble across a soccer field. Then she saw that boy go to school, clenching her hand so tightly she thought she might be losing circulation in her fingertips. She watched that beautiful boy weave around the opposite team as though they didn't exist and score a soccer goal, cheering loudly. And she listened to the words he wouldn't say when he thought he was in love for the first time. She was pregnant, her stomach a bowling ball, frightened for this first child of hers and loving him already. She sat in the audience and cried as he lit a candle and passed it to a Grade 11 student, giving the other student the flame to carry while he moved on to University. She read the essays he'd written with pride and joy. She listened to him play a song for her on his accoustic guitar, another priceless gift he offered her one Christmas...
With each sip of that tea, Simone vividly recalled her wonderful 20 year old and how much she loves him.
Thank-you. Thank-you, Sam I am. I do so like green eggs and ham.
I remember Arby's.....
Yes... and I remember...
horseradish and babies do NOT mix
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