While wandering through the mall yesterday, Simone, hubby and little B came across a perfume promotion. The promo included tattoos for any and all interested.
"Do you want a tattoo?" The black-haired, cropped t-shirt wearing chick behind the counter asked little B.
Little B's reply was mostly incomprehensible. He ran around the cosmetics counter and dashed over to a jewelry display where he tried on several bracelets.
Simone explained to the little guy, who'd never worn a tattoo before, that tattoos were similar to stickers and that they had a big bee tattoo if he was interested.
"Bee?" He asked. "Like little B?"
Simone laughed, "Sort of."
And little B took his mother's hand as they headed back to the tattoo stand.
"Where do you want your sticker?" The tattoo girl asked little B.
Little B lifted his sweater, exposing his belly with a shy grin.
"Okee dokee," said tattoo girl, and handed Simone the tattoo and a wet sponge. Simone dutifully placed the tattoo face down on little B's belly but the wet sponge was a tough sell. It was, after all, winter...
Little B wriggled and tried to get away. Simone kept a death grip on his arm and on the sponge. Eventually, the requisite 30 minutes elapsed.
"Look!" Simone said, pointing to little B's belly.
His eyes wide, little B looked down on his decorated middle section and grinned. "Tattoo!" He shouted. "Again!" He ordered tattoo girl.
"Not again," said Simone. "When this one fades, we'll give you a new one."
"Okay," little B said equably. He raced to an unsuspecting pair of shoppers. "Look!" He flashed his belly. "Tattoo!" He added helpfully.
Sigh... Let's hope this is just a passing phase...
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