The weather may be warming up, in the morning, a chill still creeps in. So on his way to soccer, little B insisted that he needed to wear a jacket. And then, as Simone buckled him in, he insisted that he needed to zip up the jacket. Finally, he was adamant that the zipping up should be done by little B himself, a feat he accomplished quite well.
They arrived at soccer with a few minutes to spare. Simone unbuckled the little guy and said, "Come on! Let's race to the gym!"
Little B moved toward the door.
"Let's go, little B!" Insisted Simone.
"No!" He shouted. "No go!"
Simone peered a little closer at little B, puzzled by his very vocal reluctance to go to soccer, usually a favoured activity. The little boy had zipped his jacket onto the seatbelt, thus ensuring that he could not in fact "go".
Now THAT's an awesome type of child restraint!
"No go, Naan-naan!"
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