Simone arrived home and signalled to make a left hand turn into her driveway. A car going the opposite way slowed then stopped in front of her driveway to let someone out of the car, effectively blocking the driveway.
Now. It must be explained, again, that Simone has a very large driveway in front of her house and, at the time of the incident, the driveway happened to be completely empty. But the driver of the obstacle managed to park in front of the driveway, not only blocking Simone from parking but obstructing traffic on a very busy thoroughfare.
Disbelieving, Simone leaned forward to get a better view of this horrible deed and, in so doing, leaned on the horn, scaring herself and the other driver. The silly man smiled and waved as though to say he would be moving shortly.
Then Simone noticed that the passenger who'd come out of the vehicle happened to be an old friend of her 18 year old. Apparently, he was coming to visit the 18 year old who now resides in Simone's basement.
Skip forward to 10:25 pm when Simone was snoring peacefully in her bed. The doorbell rings. Not once. Not twice. Five times in a row. Everyone upstairs was sleeping soundly.
"Shhhh!" urged Simone as the doorbell rang again in three quick successions, even though the ringer was unlikely to hear her through the closed door. She wondered who was idiotic enough to ring this much, this often at a house where all the lights were off and the residents evidently fast asleep.
When she opened the door, her hair astray and her expression fearsome, Simone realized that the intruder was the driver who'd blocked her driveway earlier that day. Her eyes narrowed. The eight year old accompanying the man took a cautious step back.
"Hmm." Said the man, forcing the boy to stay in front of him as a shield of sorts. "I am rooking for E?"
"You need to get out of here, walk around the house to your right and go to the side door. The door will be on your right," she said in a deceptively calm voice that usually preludes a storm of gigantic proportions.
"Oh," the man squeaked. "Okee. Wirr do."
Simone shook her head and slammed the door shut. She elegantly refrained from using any swear words. That time.
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