Monday, June 14, 2010

A make-up session

No, this story does not have to do with a fight.

It has to do with an appointment that Simone's hubby set up for his wife. Simone got to have her make-up done professionally just for the fun of it!

There was one small problem: the appointment had been booked in the big city and no sitter could be found for the little guy.

Simone and hubby packed up little B and an assortment of games designed to entertain him for an hour or so while the make-up was applied. How bad could it be?

Life, however, rarely turns out as simply as anticipated and the woman scheduled to do Simone's make-up was coming in an hour later than Simone's appointment. This involved entertaining little B for two hours in a mall with automatic flush toilets, guaranteed to scare the dickens out of any red-blooded three year old when they least expect it.

Still, it turned out passable, in spite of mad rushes to protect the make-up from little B. "Colours!" He exclaimed. "Painting!" But mostly he kept to his games.

However, Simone couldn't help but smile when she heard a father in the main part of the store holler at a squeaky voiced little one, "Do NOT climb on the counters. Let GO of that BRUSH! Oh for crying out LOUD!"

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