Simone has a bone to pick with the older children she supervises in the later half of her shift. Once the bell rings, most of them persist in trying to shoot baskets into the net and then they loiter, taking their sweet time filing into the school.
Simone understands them. She really does. But when her shift is over, she wants to go home. So she's taken to confiscating the basketball of the offending player.
Of course, she gets complaints but lately, she's also getting compliance. When they see Simone approaching, the boys line up to go in the school. They bounce the basketballs but don't start any new games. That's good enough for Simone.
Except that yesterday, one boy pretended that he couldn't understand what Simone was talking about. He actually repeatedly raced away with the ball. And when a teacher grabbed him and dragged him to the principal's office, he went grudgingly and loudly,protesting his innocence.
To say that Simone fumed would be an understatement. To say that the boy was unrepentant would also be an understatement.
Thank-you for sending me this boy to teach me patience.