Heckedy Peg, written by Audrey Wood and illustrated by Don Wood, suddenly became little B's favourite picture book. The story involves a witch who cons seven children named after the days of the week into letting her into their cottage while Mom is out buying the kids the treats they requested from the market. The witch subsequently turns the children into food and carts them away to her hut in the woods. Simone read it at least twice a day. When Simone wasn't reading the book, little B could be found, snug in the couch with the book open on his lap as he recited the lines in the story.
Then came the twist: "Today is Sunday," declared little B. "I want a bowl of egg pudding." He paused and reconsidered his request, given his mother's scornful expression. "Please?"
So Simone made egg pudding with the little guy and he ate a small portion while Simone scarfed back the rest of it. Not a very healthy proposition for Simone but she enjoyed the treat, not precisely making the connection between the book and the request yet.
The following day, the little guy requested a tub of butter. Because, of course, it was Monday. And the child named Monday had requested a tub of butter. Here, things got a smidgeon tense because little B insisted that Simone MAKE the butter and she flat out refused, citing lack of supplies and equipment as the cause. Hubby, fresh from watching a cooking show, saved the day: he took a chunk of butter from the fridge, browned it in a pan, mixed in some more butter with the heat turned off and then poured the concoction in a little container. Voila! A tub of butter.
Simone sighed. Five more days of this, she thought. Then she mentally went through the items the children in the story had requested. Crackers, a tin of salt, a pot of honey, a china pitcher and ... a POCKET KNIFE!
Sigh. Maybe a plastic knife and toy everything else but the crackers would suffice?
Uh, please?
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