Simone's new puppies are adjusting to life outside their pet shop window. And aside for the (several) "accidents" on the floor of the room where Simone's mother-in-law used to live, training is going well.
The puppies follow Simone around like, well, puppies and they have great fun chewing on her slippers. Fortunately as they are a small breed, they do not cause much damage yet.
This morning they followed Simone to the door that leads to the garage. This door happens to be in the laundry room, where the puppies' cage is located. Simone carefully shut the door to the garage behind her when she ventured into the garage so that the dogs would not follow her and found them, predictably, waiting for her inside right by the door.
Simone continued on to the kitchen, fully expecting her retinue to follow her to this sacred place full of heavenly scents and those wonderful things humans call "treats". Instead, she heard whining, crying and yipping. Now puppies being puppies, they frequently tousle and make noise but the duration and the distraught tone of the whines sounded somewhat more serious this time so Simone went back to the laundry room to check on her little ones.
Simone approached the dogs. The two puppies stood behind their cage, pawing at it piteously and crying, quite obviously failing to fathom that they could um, maybe go AROUND the cage? Dumbfounded before such silliness, Simone walked out of the laundry room.
She was followed by two now-silent peek-a-poos.
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