Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ah qu'on est bien...

Le petit B batifolait dans la baignoire. Il était très heureux car il était entouré de beaucoup de ses jouets. Même si Simone l’avait prévenu : il faudrait se laver les cheveux aujourd’hui. Même s’il savait ça, il était heureux.

Simone le laissa dans la salle de bain et s’allongea dans le lit de la chambre à côté. Un répit qui ne dura à peine trois minutes car un son insolite la rappela dans la salle de bain.

« Meuh voyons! » Protesta-t-elle. « Tu vas sortir de la baignoire et essuyer toute cette eau que tu as éclaboussé. »

Le petit B grommela mais s’exécuta.

« Si tu veux éclabousser, tu fermes la porte de la baignoire comme ceci, » expliqua Simone.

Le petit B ferma la porte de la baignoire. Sauf que quelques minutes plus tard, les bruits recommençaient. Simone accouru mais beaucoup trop tard : le plafond était trempé; le sol était trempé; la serviette de bain était trempée…

« Mais tu pensais à quoi? » S’exclama Simone, tant pour son rejeton que pour elle-même. Elle s’affaira à essuyer les dégâts puis confisqua le seau.

Le seau… Il aurait fallu y penser plus tôt…

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

While Simone was absent...

The unthinkable happened: a Grade 6 girl passed out in the school yard. The reports on what led to the accident are unclear. Suffice it to say that when the school bell rang, signalling the end of recess, she was sprawled out on the ground, no longer conscious.

The lunch supervisors all went inside, ignorant of the drama that was unfolding behind them. Other students took matter into their own hands. They grabbed the girl and dragged her to the main office. Nobody was there so the students simply left the girl's prone body sprawled on the floor then rushed back to their classrooms. After all, they did not want to get into trouble for missing classes.

The girl was later rushed to hospital where she is undergoing a battery of tests. Needless to say, all lunch supervisors have been raked across the coals - Simone included...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Quand l’enseignante est absente…

Les enfants de la classe de maternelle que Simone surveille à l’heure du midi jouent à la tague. À tour de rôle, ils tombent malades. Il s’agit d’une maladie très contagieuse chez les enfants qui ne touche pas les adultes mais qui pourrait s’avérer très dangereuse pour un bébé dans le ventre de sa maman. Et justement, il y a un petit quelqu’un qui pousse dans le ventre de l’enseignante.

Solution? Congé prescrit pour l’enseignante : pas question de mettre la vie de son enfant en danger.

Depuis, les enfants font la fête. Simone a elle-même été absente pendant trois jours d’affilé. À son retour, le vacarme (il n’y a pas d’autres mots) dans la salle de classe était époustouflant. Le calme ne revint qu’après un repos imposé de force avant le diner et malgré les piaillements de « J’ai faim! » qui retentissaient dans la salle de classe.

Et ils réussirent à sortir dehors pour la récré, en dépit du retard de leur diner! Cela tient plutôt du miracle…

Heureusement, l’enseignante croit pouvoir revenir la semaine prochaine. Oh non! Aïe… En voilà un autre qui est tombé malade. Il était à l’école hier et avant-hier, lorsqu’il était contagieux, et du coup il aura infecté d’autres enfants. Cela retardera inévitablement le retour de la prof par… deux semaines! Bon. Simone apportera des bouchons d’oreilles au boulot demain.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Is it warm enough yet?

Little B wanted to go and play outside. Badly. Mid May and the temperature had yet to go beyond over 15 degrees except for one notable day when it poured rain.

Even though the temperature on this day had edged to a balmy 17 Celsius, Simone wasn't quite ready. "You need to clear your dinner plate first," she instructed. It took 20 minutes for little B to comply - only because he didn't WANT to clear his plate before going outside - but comply he eventually did.

The boy and girl who live next door were also in their backyard. While Simone cleaned up the kitchen, mopped the floor and put away laundry, she could hear them all talking through the screen door that gives out on the deck. Once she got outside, she saw that the children had managed to remove one of the boards from the fence.

"How did this happen?" Simone asked. Of course, nobody knew although it is likely that the girl, who is verging on 7 years of age, had a considerable hand in the plank's demise. Simone sighed, asked for the fence board and more or less managed to put it back in place so that her puppies would not inadvertently run into the neighbour's yard and get eaten by their very large dog.

She then invited the kids over to play in her yard before any more planks got removed. Once there, the children proceeded to carry the puppies all over the yard, use up all the bubble liquid to make bubbles (that's what it's for!), chase one another and generally make a lot of noise.

"Is this what it was like when I invited friends over?" Asked the 13 year old, clearly apalled.

"Worse," said Simone. But the kids weren't done yet: they plucked the flowers off the magnolia tree, invited another child from another yard over to play, grabbed sticks and hit the plants and, for the grand finale, hurled little stones at the side of the house (including the windows).

"You can go home now," said Simone to the neighbours.

No child was happy with Simone, least of all little B. Still, it had to be done - for Simone's sanity.

"I don't want to go home!" Wailed the little boy next door.

"You can come back another time," said Simone. "But you'll have to behave."

"I can..." the little boy struggled, his face crumpling with the effort. "I'll 'haive now."

"Bye," said Simone, closing the gate behind the departing guests. Sigh...

Friday, June 24, 2011

La rumeur

L’autobus scolaire s’arrêta devant Simone. Il faisait chaud et toutes les fenêtres du bus étaient ouvertes. Les plus vieux faisaient des bonjours à Simone à travers les ouvertures. Simone leur sourit.

Le petit B descendit de l’autobus lentement, comme d’habitude. Aujourd’hui, il était suivi d’une grande de 6ème année. « Madame! Madame! » S’écria la jeune fille.

« Oui? » S’étonna Simone.

« On m’a dit que vous attendiez un bébé. Est-ce que c’est vrai? »

Simone secoua la tête et écarquilla les yeux, sa main droite sur le ventre. La fille fit une petite moue et rebroussa chemin jusqu’à l’arrière de l’autobus où elle était installée avec ses amis.

Et Simone de se demander si (a) les exercices qu’elles faisaient tous les matins ne servaient à rien et si (b) les filles de 6ème étaient capables de dire des choses comme ça, histoire de déstabiliser les autres… À quel âge ça commence, ce genre de jeu?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Si tu ne ranges pas ta chambre...

La chambre de la fille de 13 ans était sens dessus-dessous. Il y avait des papiers partout. Le lit, à 20h, n’était toujours pas fait. Bon d’accord, il était presque temps d’aller au lit mais cette idée ne fit rien pour soulager la colère qui menaçait. En plus, des livres étaient éparpillés sur le plancher. Des vêtements trainaient sur le lit, le bureau, la commode…

En bref? Simone n’était pas du tout contente.

Bon, d’accord, la jeune fille travaillait sur un projet de dernière minute car un de ses partenaire à l’école n’avait pas fait son boulot. N’empêche que l'humeur de Simone bouillonnait : la jeune fille avait terminé de travailler à l’instant et placotait au sujet d’une émission qui devait débuter dans quelques minutes.

« Pas question que la télé soit allumée tant que ta chambre est dans cet état, » trancha Simone.

La jeune fille cilla. « Mais… C’est une nouvelle émission… Et elle débute dans trois minutes. Je n’aurais jamais le temps…»

« Et bien range vite, » trancha Simone.

Et vous savez quoi? La chambre était nickel bien avant que l’émission ne débute. Ce qui suffit pour constater que la motivation, ça prime!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Finger paints

"What about now?" Asked little B. "Can we do finger paints now?"

Simone sighed, looking up from the advertisement she was putting together. It would be done in short order but she knew that she did not have time to deal with finger paints just then. "Little B, no. We cannot do finger paints this morning. However I will take them out, put the paints and the paper on your table and when you come home from school,we will finger paint. Okay?"

She thought, "Blast that Mister Maker!" (Mister Maker is the host of a kids' show about arts and crafts, one of little B's faves) but smiled inwardly at her son's determination.

When the school bus dropped him after school, little B turned to his driver and told her something she couldn't decipher. Simone leaned in as he repeated himself and beamed. "He says he's doing finger paints when he gets home," she interpreted.

"Oh! You get to do finger paints tonight!" Said K, the bus driver.

"Not tonight," protested little B. "Now!"

Simone chuckled. "I guess you've waited long enough."

The jar of green paint opened, little B stuck his hand in gleefully. Then withdrew it with a look of horror: he WANTED to finger paint but had never finger painted before. Simone explained that it was slimy and kind of squishy and showed the boy how to get some basic designs done. Before long, he had three large sheets covered in colourful designs. They look very pretty but... there's no room left on the counter for cooking in the kitchen as the paint is still drying.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

La minijupe

Simone venait de se faire réprimander pour la énième fois. Les élèves faisaient trop de bruit dans les corridors de l’école. Elle les renvoyait donc dans la salle leur classe dès qu’ils faisaient le moindre son. Lorsque la cloche se mise à sonner, Simone était prête à sortir aussi rapidement que les élèves. Fini la prison de l’école!

Sauf que pendant la récréation, Simone était toujours de garde donc ce n’était qu’un maigre répit.

« Madame?? » Une fillette de onze ans l’aborda.

« Oui, » Simone supprima le soupir qui menaçait.

« Ce n’est pas juste. Les élèves n’ont pas le droit de porter des short shorts ou des mini-jupes. »

Simone jeta un coup d’œil sur sa jupe. Certes elle ne descendait pas jusqu’aux genoux mais…

« On ne m’a pas parlé de restrictions vestimentaires mais cette jupe va jusqu’à mi-cuisse. Elle n’est pas si courte que ça! »

La fillette hausa les épaules et s’éloigna. Ouf! Pour une fois, c’était plutôt simple… N’empêche que Simone passa le reste de la récréation à s’inquiéter sur la longueur de sa jupe...

Monday, June 20, 2011

A brand new... room

Simone's mother-in-law moved out five months ago. Her furniture followed suit a month ago. Since then, the room has remained vacant while Simone toyed with ideas as to what to do with the space.

Several ideas simmered in her head. The room could be a games room, a spare bedroom, a dining room... Hubby even asked if they could get a pool table but Simone thinks he was joking.

In the end, Simone decided that what she'd really like would be a crafting and art room with extra storage. Because they rent out their basement, Simone and hubby find themselves tight for storage space. And since the arrival of the two puppies, their main storage area has become the home of the dogs' cage, further reducing the space. In addition, little B, the 12 year old and Simone are all extremely fond of crafts and art project but since the supplies are stored in several different places, beginning a project usually involves a lot of preparation.

Hubby glanced at Simone sideways when she made her proposal but soon started coming up with many ideas of his own to make the space even more user friendly. Hellooooo Ikea!

And the bonus is that, hopefully, when the room is full, the dogs will stop regarding it as their giant litter box...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Petite marguerite

C’était le spectacle du printemps et la classe du petit B présentait une chanson. Alors même si maman et papa avaient l’habitude de se coucher de bonne heure, faute d’un réveil très matinal, pas question de manquer le spectacle qui débutait à 19 h.

Comme prévu, le petit B était vêtu de vert lorsque Simone le déposa dans sa salle de classe. Puis elle alla s’asseoir dans le gymnase avec la fille de 13 ans. Tout de suite, il était 18h45, elle envoya un texto à son mari qui avait malheureusement du boulot à terminer.

« Dépêche-toi! Ils présenteront pas plus tard que 19h15, » écrivit-elle.

En fait, le mari de Simone arriva à peine trente secondes avant le début de la chanson de la classe du petit B. Quel beau spectacle! Simone, fière maman, avait les larmes aux yeux. Tous les enfants de jardin et de maternelle ainsi que leur aide-enseignante portaient des pétales blancs autour du visage et étaient maquillés de brillants dorés. Et, à la fin de la chanson, les enfants attendirent leurs mamans pour leur offrir de superbes marguerites pour la fête des mères.

Il n’y a pas plus beau cadeau que l’amour d’un enfant…

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Windshield. Part 2

The windshield of Simone's car has been cracked from left to right for nearly two months. Yesterday, she decided to finally do something about it. She called the mobile service of a glass repair shop.

"We'll be there between 8 am and noon," said the girl on the phone.

"I need to leave by 11:45 at the latest to walk to work," said Simone.

"No problem," the girl assured Simone. "We'll be there well before 11:45."

At 11:45 Simone called the glass repair place. "You're still not here. I need to leave for work."

Simone was instructed to leave the car unlocked. Payment would be finalized via phone after the deed was done. Save that when Simone headed home after work, the car still boasted a cracked windshield. A message on the answering machine explained the problem: apparently Simone's windshield was a heated one. Might have been nice if the dealership had explained this feature when she bought the car. Would have saved lots of scraping in the winter... Anyhow, the mobile glass repair guy had to leave to pick up the correct windshield.

He showed up again at 3:45 and proceeded to change the windshield. An hour later, he called Simone outside and showed her the work he'd done.

Simone contemplated the windshield for a few moments. "It's cracked," she noted the obvious.

"Um, yeah," agreed the repair guy. "The glass came that way. I thought it'd be better to put it in than leave your car open to the elements."

"How nice," muttered Simone. The crack now ran from top to bottom and was directly centered in front of the driver's seat.

"I think you should be okay driving it," offered the repair guy.

You think? Uh... NO!!!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Quand il pleut…

L’annonce était formelle : à cause de la pluie, il n’y aurait pas de récréation à l’extérieur aujourd’hui. Simone regarda dehors mais mis à part un petit peu de vent, il ne semblait pas pleuvoir. Peu importe. Les petits de maternelle devraient se contenter de regarder une vidéo. C’est ce qu’il y a de plus simple et en plus cela permet aux personnes en charge de pianoter sur leurs portables sans trop se faire remarquer.

Par contre, lorsque l’heure arriva pour la récréation des plus grands de l’école, la direction trouva que celle-ci aurait lieu dehors.

« Mais madame, » dirent les premiers enfants sortis. « Il pleut! »

« Le bureau dit qu’il ne pleut pas, » rétorqua Simone. « Va leur dire qu’ils ont tort. »

« Pfft, » fit l’enfant.

En effet. Pfft. Heureusement que lorsqu’elle est partie au boulot, Simone portait un beau manteau chaud et imperméable. Car en effet. Il pleuvait.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Walk with me?

Little B was chasing after little T. "Let's walk around the school yard together," he told little T. Little T giggled. He enjoyed being chased but wasn't gonna be caught standing still long enough to hold anyone's hand and walk around the yard.

Simone watched her son, tempted to intervene but she knew that intervention would solve little or nothing at this point. Eventually, little B would realize that he'd chased little T for too long and to no avail and had, as a result, failed to spend recess with Simone as he usually did. Even though she knew how the scene would play out, Simone had to let it go to its inevitable conclusion.

Sure enough, the bell rang, signifying the end of recess and little B looked frantically around for his mother. He raced for her, grabbed her hand and attempted to lead her around the school yard. She sighed, understanding that she would, as a result, arrive late at the Grade Two classroom she was due to go to next.

Still, she walked with little B, explaining that she loved him and that she had to go. He finally calmed down enough for Simone to be able to kiss him goodbye. He smiled a little and touched his mother's cheek with a gentle finger. And Simone's heart melted...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Ils viennent à domicile?

Le pare-brise de la voiture de Simone est en très mauvais état. Depuis quelques mois, il est fendu à sa base de gauche à droite. On a dit à Simone qu’il faudrait trois heures afin de le réparer et comment dédier trois heures à ceci lorsqu’on travaille de midi à 14 heures du lundi au vendredi, que le reste du temps et pris par le mari, par les enfants, par la maison, par les chiens…? Autant dire que ça ne se fera jamais!

Mais voilà que Simone s’est dite, « Tant pis. Quitte à manquer le boulot, j’y vais. »

Sauf que lorsqu’elle parle au téléphone avec un très gentil monsieur, celui-ci lui dit qu’elle peut tout aussi bien laisser sa voiture chez elle et qu'ils viendraient changer le pare-brise sur place. Et comme Simone peut payer dès qu’ils arrivent et marcher de chez elle jusqu’au boulot, pas de soucis!

Autant dire qu’il ne faut, euh, ‘jamais’ dire jamais!

Friday, June 10, 2011


"Those puppies make too much noise," said Simone's hubby as he tried to get some work done.

It was nearly time to get little B at the bus stop so, in the interest of keeping the peace, Simone decided to take the puppies for their very first walk. The puppies remained unimpressed. Puppy T firmly refused to walk and settled for a reluctant drag. Puppy Z shook her head repeatedly as her bum scraped across the grass and settled for walking in short order. Soon, puppy T followed his sister's lead.

When the big yellow NOISY school bus arrived, the puppies freaked. They whined, tugged on the leash and generally attempted to get away from the vehicle. Little B said goodbye to the boy he'd shared a seat with then headed for the stairs. The boy reached forward, handing little B a toy skateboard. The bus driver passed it to little B.

Little B shook his head, refusing the toy. "I don't want that one! I want the other one!"

The other little boy insisted that little B keep the skateboard. The puppies moved forward and back, barking and whining intermittently. Little B's face reddened and his lips thinned. "I don't want that one," he bit off each word. "I want the other one!"

The bus driver stared at Simone expectantly. The children on the bus stared as well. Little B still stood on the stairs, refusing to move. Simone reached for the skateboard and pocketed it. Little B erupted. "Give it back! Give it back!"

Simone helped little B climb down the remaining steps though help is probably the wrong word: a lot of pulling was involved. The bus doors closed just as little B's backpack fell to the ground. Little B strained and tugged toward his backpack but Simone, fearful that he might slip under the bus or even chase after the bus once it left, kept an iron hold on her son's wrist.

"Come back! Come back!" he cried piteously at the bus, still wanting to exchange the "bad" toy skateboard for the "good" one.

Finally, exhausted, he buried his head in Simone's tummy. By then, the puppies had settled as well.

Who knew that a two minute walk to the bus stop would turn out to be so stressful?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Code Tn

Les enfants étaient sagement installés dans leurs chaises.

« Aujourd’hui, puisqu’il pleut, nous allons pratiquer le code Tn, » annonça l’enseignante.

Les enfants ne bougèrent point.

« Nous allons tous nous aligner en silence et nous nous dirigerons au gymnase en silence. »

Les enfants firent ce qu’on leur demandait. Sauf que le silence ne fut en aucun cas complet. Puis tout le monde s’assit le long du mur, la tête entre les genoux. La directrice arriva.

« Vous faites trop de bruit, » trancha-t-elle. « Et certains enfants sont assis devant des prises de courant. C’est inacceptable! Les adultes qui les accompagnent devraient s’assurer que tous les enfants sont assis convenablement avant de s’asseoir eux-mêmes. Recommencez la pratique. »

La petite B, assise à côté de Simone chuchota, « Pourquoi on se cache la tête entre les genoux. »

« Pour ne pas se faire frapper le visage si quelque chose tombait du plafond, » expliqua Simone.

Et de regarder le plafond, bien garni de grosses lampes bien lourdes. Aïe, aïe, aïe!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ugh. Needles.

Simone finally made it back to the physiotherapist's office. After spending an hour there, relating her symptoms to the therapist, Simone was asked to don a hospital gown.

"It's cold!" Complained Simone.

The therapist rolled her eyes. Simone's complaint, while legit, was not a new one.

"I'll tell you what," conceded the therapist. "It's 74 degrees. I'll turn the thermostat up to 76."

Simone sighed. It wasn't much of a concession, especially given that the therapist's hands tended to be on the chilly side. Still, she followed orders and removed everything save bra, underwear and socks prior to sliding on the gown.

The therapist proceeded to make some measurements.

"Isn't there some hot water in this place so you can warm your hands?" Griped Simone.

The therapist chuckled. "I'll be done soon."

Simone should have been wary of the therapist's good humour but she failed to realize where the session was going until the therapist took out a box filled with what looked like a series of very tiny bandages. The therapist swabbed Simone's shins and the inside of her wrists. Then she applied the bandages. The darn thing were in fact miniature, semi-permanent acupuncture needles.

"Ouch!" Complained Simone. They all hurt, for crying out loud! All four of the needles hurt!

"I forgot you didn't like needles," smiled the therapist. She smiled in such a way that Simone was certain that the therapist had not forgotten anything at all. "This will help you with the nausea and dizziness though."

Semi-permanent needles, bah! They hurt! Wait a minute... Simone felt a twinge... What was it? Could it be the beginning of an appetite resurfacing? My goodness! It is!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A qui les souliers?

Le petit B était à la ferme avec Simone et Papa. Pour fêter Pâques, ils avaient décidé de passer la journée en famille mais, comme la ferme n’intéressait que le plus petit, ce fut une sortie de trois personnes.

Après la course obligatoire pour attraper un maximum de bonbons, le petit B voulait absolument sauter dans le château gonflable. Aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait : le petit B se déchaussa, donna son ticket au jeune homme et s’empressa de grimper dans le château.

Il s’amusa comme un petit fou. Sauf qu’à la sortie, pas moyen de trouver ses souliers! Mais voilà qu’un petit garçon de l’école où Simone travaille lui fit un coucou gêné. Il avait mis les souliers du petit B sur ses pieds – malgré le fait que ses pieds étaient en fait trop grands!

« Bonjour, A, » fit Simone. « Ça ne te dérangerait pas d’enlever ces espadrilles? Elles appartiennent à mon fils et il est nu-pieds pour l’instant. »

Et A de rougir comme une tomate trop mure…

Monday, June 6, 2011

While the cat is away...

Simone supervises two classrooms during lunch. The students' behaviour in those two classrooms couldn't be further apart... In one classroom, one Grade 6 student keeps the entire group quiet or whispering for the duration. In the other classroom, children fall off their chairs, stand, talk, yell and act like, well, children. While THREE Grade six girls oversee them, no less.


So yesterday, Simone decided to put her foot down. Recess happened to take place inside due to inclement weather and Simone ordered the poorly behaved class to finish a pre-assigned homework assignment before playing. This was met with grumbles, reluctance and, in one case at least, outright defiance.

Come the end of recess, one girl who'd spent her time confined to her desk, complained that one of her classmates had not finished his assignment but had nonetheless played instead.

"Yeah but our teacher told us we didn't have to work on this," he replied, hands on his hips.

"Really?" Simone asked, eyeing the boy. "But I told you to do the assignment and guess what? That's what you should have been doing. You behaved poorly during lunch and the assignment was the consequence. Now you've disrespected me as well as behaved poorly."

The boy's teacher had come in just in time to hear Simone's tirade and immediately pulled the boy into the school hallway where she ordered him to write a letter of apology to Simone. Then she swept back into the classroom and told her class that since they had behaved poorly, they would now get to spend five minutes with their head resting on their desk. Had it been appropriate, Simone might have given a whistle of admiration...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Pour le prof de natation, oui!

Pour maman, peut-être. Pour papa? Non.

Le petit B aime beaucoup son cours de natation. À chaque semaine, il saute dans la piscine, plonge sous l’eau, nage et s’amuse.

Lorsque Simone exige qu’il fasse une démonstration dans le spa de ce qu’il a appris, le petit B le fait mais avec mauvaise grâce. « Tiens mes mains, » ordonne-t-il à sa mère. « On va plonger ensemble. »

Mais avec Papa? Pas question « Tu peux te mettre la tête sous l’eau? » Demanda Papa.

« Oui, » affirme le petit B sans toutefois se plier à la demande d’une illustration de ses nouveaux talents.

« Va chercher l’étoile mer, » suggère Papa. Celle-ci a sombré au fond du spa.

« Non! C’est toi qui va la chercher, » corrige le petit B.

« Mais pour ton prof de natation, tu fais tout cela, » s’exaspère Simone.

Le petit B y pense pendant quelques instants. « Oui. » Admit-il finalement – sans pour autant plonger sous l’eau.


Peut-être qu’un sifflet aiderait?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Gathered Around the Sinner, Take 529

The 21 year old, not content with finishing his undergraduate degree and applying for a Masters program, has been writing a graphic novel and songs. Recently, as he juggled studying for exams, he came home with his guitar for company. Simone pulled out the video camera to record the occasion.

Simone introduced him earlier but here, you click below and you can see him and the 12 year old girl performing one of his creations: Gathered Around the Sinner

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

De la neige???

Simone s’y attendait pourtant car c’était inévitable : sa cousine avait déjà fait le grand nettoyage du printemps chez elle. Elle avait même poussé jusqu’à se débarrasser de tous les vêtements d’hiver avant d’aller s’acheter un nouveau vélo. Donc pas étonnant du tout qu’une tempête de neige s’acharne sur la ville.

Pas étonnant, mais Simone a été déçue tout de même. Elle qui a tellement hâte de porter ses belles petites robes d’été, ses minijupes et ses shorts… Hélas, il faudra patienter encore quelques semaines. La météo prévoit de la neige pendant les 15 prochains jours.