Thursday, April 16, 2015

Crisis Time!

B's jaw dropped open. "What do you mean, I can't have that stuffed animal like they used in the Lion King show?" I patiently tried to explain that his cousin, who is a few years younger than him, would feel left out. His parents would not have the money to offer him the toy and it would give rise to bad feelings. "But I have bad feelings now," B pointed out somewhat reasonably. "I would really like that toy." "I'm sorry. You can't have it." He stomped his boot into the theatre's carpet. "I want that toy. I want it now." "You definitely can't have it." He then proceeded to scream and yell that he HAD to have the toy. Hubby, my brother and his wife and B's cousins all left while B had a meltdown near the top of the theatre's stairs. So I sat down next to my distraught little boy and waited for the storm to blow over. And no. He did not get the toy he so wanted...

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