Simone and family are eating a mostly vegan, sometimes vegetarian diet.
The 19 year old inhabiting the separate basement apartment beneath Simone's home does not follow this diet at all.
Simone called the 19 year old. "What are you cooking?"
"Bacon," came the cheerful reply.
"Save me some?" Simone smiled gleefully at the idea of eating meat.
"Sure. Come down in about 10 minutes."
Simone cursed. "I can't. I have to leave in five!"
"No probs. I'll keep you some. It's chicken bacon though. Is that okay?"
Simone salivated. "It'll do."
When she returned from her outing, the 19 year old admitted, shamefaced, that he'd eaten the last two pieces of bacon mere moments ago.
"I was hungry!' He said. He held out a cookie bag. "Want an Oreo instead?"
"Ugh!" groaned Simone. "I wanted bacon!"
The 19 year old scarfed back a mountain of Oreos (R). "Easy come, easy go!" He grinned.
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