Little B received some money for his birthday so Simone took him to the dollar store. Little B was delighted! He raced into the store, grabbed the kiddie sized buggy they have there and happily strolled down the aisles, pulling items off the shelves and throwing them in the cart.
"I need sand," he told the store owner. "Pwease," he added after seeing his mother's stern frown.
The store owner directed little B to the candles (who'd have figured?). Little B tossed a bag of decorative sand into the buggy.
"I'll take the foam ABC's," he said. "And these stickers. And this sponge. And this tissue paper."
Quickly the buggy filled up. As Simone lined up to pay for the items, little B spotted the icing on the cake: a big, rubber cobra. He held up the snake, hope sparkling in his eyes.
"Yes, we can buy the snake as well," Simone told him.
Little B squealed with delight and added the snake to the pile on the counter.
It can take so little to bring joy to a child...
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