Little B was so excited he could hardly sit still. "I'm going to little A's birthday party tomorrow," he told the waiter.
The waiter nodded distractedly. Little B had informed the waiter of his plans several times already.
Only that night? Little B was sick. And not a little sick. A lot sick. He threw up all over his hotel bed. He threw up on the carpet. On his special blanket. On his pajamas. In the bathtub after he'd been washed (twice). And he kept throwing up bile on a regular basis, about every 10 minutes without really waking up as Mom propped him up and held a bucket under his chin. At around 3 am, he stopped the routine and Simone finally got some shuteye. Not on the bed though because hubby had commandeered the entire contraption by that time.
Little B woke up at 7 am, hungry and raring to go. "I'm going to a birthday party today!" He grinned excitedly at all the hotel guests he passed.
Maybe there'd be a nice place to nap for Simone somewhere near the party...
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