Little B had never been fond of the bath. In fact, he still resists it actively on occasion. But lately, what with swimming in pools and lakes and oceans regularly, he's become more or less ... nicer when it comes to bath time. He will, however, still remind Simone that it's "Don't wash your hair day, don't wash your hair day, wash your hair day," in order to put off the inevitable as long as humanly possible.
So you can well imagine Simone's surprise when little B got in the bath happily with his toys and proceeded to wash himself. "I'm a big boy," he insisted. Indeed he is and Simone was immensely proud of his progress. But then, to add to the day's cachet, he stretched out in the bottom of the tub, allowing the water to immerse him.
He propped himself up on his elbows. "I'm going to wash my own hair," he announced.
"But it's not wash.." Simone blurted before she could stop herself. Fortunately it did not deter the boy. He extended his palm and Simone deposited a dollop of shampoo into it. Little B scrubbed the soapy substance into his hair, his eyes looking up and to the sides as though he could somehow see how the suds were building on his scalp. Once Simone had given the sides of his scalp a rub, little B stretched out once more and rinsed all the shampoo out of his hair.
All by himself!
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