In this blog, Simone Maroney will publish daily comments and thoughts about her books, her stories and her life as a writer. Ce blog permettra à Simone Maroney d'écrire de façon régulière ses pensées et les commentaires qu'elle aura au sujet de ses livres, de ses nouvelles ainsi qu'au sujet de sa vie d'écrivain.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Un petit déjeuner surprise
Au réveil à l'hôtel à Paris, il fallut se dépêcher. Le père de Simone avait organisé un petit déjeuner au restaurant qui, il y avait une quarantaine d'années, appartenait à ses parents. Ce restaurant n'était qu'à deux pas de l'hôtel!
Ils s'installèrent sur la terrasse chauffée et passèrent leur commande. Le père de Simone ne cessait de scruter la rue.
"On attend quelqu'un?" Demanda Simone.
"Oui," admit le père de Simone. "Ta cousine et son copain. Ils arrivent en moto."
Mais quelques minutes plus tard, ce ne fut pas la cousine et son copain qui arrivèrent mais le mari de Simone (qu'elle croyait au Canada) et la fille de Simone (idem)!
Simone fut terrassée :) Il lui fallut quelques instants avant de pouvoir sortir de son siège et embrasser les deux membres de sa famille qui venaient d'arriver. B, pour sa part, l'avait déjà devancé. "Papa!" S'écria-t-il et de s'élancer dans les bras de son père. "D!" Et de se lover dans les bras de sa soeur.
Ils n'étaient en France que pour deux jours! Mais quelle belle surprise, quelle joie pour Simone!

Monday, April 29, 2013
Back to Paris
The house in Normandy needed more work. More cleaning, more preparation for the family dinner coming up at the end of the week, more fixing.
But Simone, her father, her stepmother and B had been invited to Paris to visit a well-loved couple of friends and, by Jove, Simone was going. Even if it meant an overnight trip, she was going.
Given the parking situation in Paris, the group made an executive decision to take one car instead of two and Simone opted out of driving her car because, well, she's a wimp. They made their way to a hotel near their friends' apartment, found a parking spot miraculously nearby and checked into the hotel. They then trooped over to their friends' home where they drank the obligatory champagne, ate marvellously rich food followed by a melt in your mouth dessert.
In the end, somewhat tipsy, they walked by to the hotel where Simone sank into her bed, grateful that her husband had had the foresight to reserve her a room so close.
"I love you, baby," she sighed, missing her husband
"I love you too," B replied sleepily from his bed.

Friday, April 26, 2013
Le ménage
Bon, d'accord, la maison du père de Simone en Normandie venait d'être rénovée et elle était superbe mais... Mais il y avait du ménage à faire. Pas de doute, les rénovations, ça créé BEAUCOUP de poussière.
Le père de Simone s'occupa de la salle à manger. La belle-mère de Simone nettoyait la cuisine. Simone, elle, se chargea des escaliers, et les escaliers, ce n'est pas ce qui manque dans la maison de famille. Il y des escaliers qui mènent du grenier à l'étage - ceux-ci étaient très sales. Il y a des escaliers qui mènent de l'étage au rez-de-chaussée - ceux-ci étaient sales. Il y a des escaliers qui mènent à la cave - et ceux-ci étaient crasseux. Simone les a balayés. Elle les a balayés encore. Elle les a balayés une troisième fois. Elle les a lavés. Elle les a lavés une deuxième fois. Elle les a lavés une troisième fois. Et une fois qu'ils furent propres, le père de Simone passa à la cave pour aller chercher du vin. Il fallut admettre que si on voulait que les escaliers de la cave restent plus ou moins propres, il faudrait s'occuper du plancher au sous-sol. Et oui. En remontant au rez-de-chaussée, le père de Simone avait à nouveau salit les marches de l'escalier.
Bon. On recommence. D'abord, le plancher de la cave. Ensuite, les marches.
"Dis, Maman... Tu viendrais pas jouer avec moi?" B s'ennuyait avec tous ces adultes qui faisaient le ménage.
Hmmmm.... "Ça t'intéresserais de jouer à faire le ménage?"
Ah bon...

Thursday, April 25, 2013
Une toute nouvelle maison
Simone et B attendaient, coincés dehors en Normandie, depuis près de deux heures le retour du père de Simone et de sa femme. Et lorsqu'ils ouvrèrent la porte de la maison, ce fut comme si c'était Noël! La maison avait été rénovée de haut en bas et resplendissait de beauté.
Finie, la salle de bain communautaire au rez-de-chaussée collée à la cuisine. Maintenant, il y avait deux salles de bain à l'étage, avec douches!
Et la cuisine, avec ses accents rouge, noir et gris était tout simplement superbe.
Toutes les peintures avaient été refaites... Simone en avait les larmes aux yeux de voir la maison de famille ainsi rajeunie.
C'était beau, beau, beau.
Merci, Papa! Merci Belle-Maman!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Dropping by to say hi
Simone and B arrived in Paris from Lyon and went directly to the car rental agency. Simone was particularly eager because hubby, using air miles, had upgraded the usual car to a luxury version.
"We don't have your car ready," the clerk informed Simone. "But we do have another one that is much bigger."
Bigger than luxury? Simone shrugged, took the keys and loaded her luggage and B into the car.
Clearly, this car had seen better days: scratches, bumps and dents marred its exterior, the inside reeked of smoke and, the final straw, Simone was unable to move the driver's seat forward. It ain't easy changing gears when your short legs can't reach the pedals. The clerk didn't appear surprised when Simone and B waltzed back in and demanded the vehicle they had ordered.
Simone and B drove onto the Périphérique in a sporty little Mercedes. Yummy! First stop? Mam's (that would be Simone's grandmother). They had a nice little visit then hopped to the grocery store where Simone purchased the necessities for B's meals for the upcoming week. They then climbed back into the car and drove to Normandy where her father and stepmother were waiting for them.
Only when they got to the house, nobody, in fact, waited for them. The house stood empty. Simone and B went for a walk. They fed a horse and a donkey some grass. They raced around the house. They played soccer. Then, as it got dark and cold, they huddled in the car and turned the heat on...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Départ matinal
La tante de Simone insista pour un départ super tôt, histoire d'être prêts en cas de circulation.
Sauf que la circulation était pour ainsi dire inexistante et ils arrivèrent à l'aéroport de très bonne heure. De plus il n'y avait personne en ligne devant le guichet de la compagnie aérienne. Forcément, il y eu un problème: le nouveau système électronique de la compagnie voulait absolument que Simone paye un supplément de 200 Euros pour ses deux valises et ce malgré le fait que Simone avait déjà payé un supplément afin d'apporter ses valises avec elle.
Suite à un délai d'une demi-heure, pendant lequel il fallut non moins de quatre personnes pour régler l'addition (de zéro Euros, merci bien), Simone et B purent passer par la section de sécurité. La ligne était plus ou moins longue mais avançait bien.
Simone enleva ses bottes et son manteau. B fit aussi le nécessaire. Leurs petites valises firent aussi un tour par la machine de rayon X. À la sortie, un agent de sécurité demanda à Simone en désignant sa valise, "C'est bien votre valise, Madame?"
Simone hocha de tête et se dit que, décidément, elle arriverait en retard pour son vol si les délais continuait.
"Vous me donnez la permission de l'ouvrir? S'il vous plait?"
Un peu interloqué par la politesse de l'agent, Simone acquiesça. Un sourire ravi se dessina sur le visage de l'agent. Il ouvrit la valise et, un par un, sortit presque tout ce que Simone avait mis dedans: iPad, iPad mini, iPod, iPhone, écouteurs électroniques (3 paires)...
"C'est bien à vous tout ça?" Demanda-t-il.
C'était bien dans ma valise, non? Se demanda Simone mais elle se contenta de dire oui.
Les yeux de l'agent brillait et il avait un sourire éberlué. Il referma la valise, visiblement à regret, et murmura, "Je n'ai jamais vu autant d'électronique. Surtout chez une femme."

Monday, April 22, 2013
Cousin fun
B was ecstatic. For once, he was actually enjoying the trip to France! Gathered at Simone's aunt's place were all her grandchildren, their parents, Simone and B. As a result, B got out of bed bright and early every morning, oblivious to the jet lag from the get-go. Who could possibly feel tired when there were cousins near his own age willing and able to play from as early as they could crawl out of bed until as late as their weary bodies could stand it?
Certainly not B.
And play they did: they climbed, swung, rode bikes, skipped rope, fought, played music, fought again, stopped to eat and made some crafts. At the end of day three, when the cousins had left for their respective homes, B still had energy to spare. So Simone's aunt took them for a long walk along the Rhone River. A long hour and a half walk, during which they played hide and seek in spite of the apparent lack of hiding places.
"We have to get to bed early tonight, B," Simone told her son at last. "We need to get back."
"Why do we have to get to bed early?" B pouted.
"Because we're leaving Lyon for Normandy," Simone informed him.
B looked at his mother reproachfully. "What about my cousins?" He demanded.
Sigh. No kids in Normandy. It was going to be a long, long week.

Friday, April 19, 2013
Vous avez faim?
Simone et B arrivèrent à Lyon en fin d'après-midi. La tante de Simone les attendait, accompagnée de ses petits-enfants - qui ont plus ou moins le même âge que B - ainsi que de son ami. Heureusement, les adultes avaient pris deux voitures, vu le nombre de personnes et de valises. Les voitures en France n'ont pas tout à fait la taille de l'Amérique.
"Vous avez faim?" demanda la tante de Simone. "Il me reste un petit pain au chocolat. Ça fait deux heures qu'on vous attend alors il a fallu que je nourrisse les enfants." Pas étonnant qu'ils aient attendu, avec les deux heures de retard de l'avion à CDG!
Simone avala le petit pain au chocolat, qu'elle partagea à peine avec B. Qu'il était bon, ce petit pain au chocolat!
B, lui aussi, était ravi. Il s'était mis à jouer avec son cousin. "Tag! Je t'ai eu!" S'écria l'un.
"Tag, je t'ai eu," s'écria l'autre.
Bon. Ça promettait: ils étaient bouclés l'un à coté de l'autre dans la voiture. La crise n'allait pas tarder...
Et quelques instants plus tard, la cadette se mit à hurler. "J'ai faim," hurla-t-elle.
"Désolée," lança la tante de Simone. "Il ne reste rien."
Si. Une goutte de chocolat sur la main de Simone. Miam.

Thursday, April 18, 2013
Lost documents
B boarded the plane with Simone. "Where's Dad?" He asked.
"Dad has too much work," Simone explained. "He can't come with us. But we'll get back home in time to spend Christmas with him and all your brothers and sisters."
Somewhat mollified, B nodded. "Hey! Can we take one of those bed seats?" He pointed to the first class seats.
"Sorry..." Simone eyed the seats wistfully herself.
Still, they had two seats side by each and managed to stretch out somewhat during the long plane ride from Toronto to Paris.
But the jet lag worked in full force nonetheless. Their plane arrived late and by the time Simone had carted their luggage to another terminal to catch her connecting flight to Lyon, she realized that she'd lost their passports. She announced this loss to every official she could find but, given the fact that the reporting office happened to be located in the first terminal where Simone's plane had landed and that Simone's connecting flight was due to depart at any moment, Simone had to choose between her flight and their passports. It could have been worse: at least Simone had alternate identification in her possession. B did a bang up job of keeping up, occasionally riding on the luggage cart when exhaustion set in.
Simone picked up some snacks from a stand just before boarding their plane - even though the loss of the passports had left her with little to no appetite - and was surprised to hear her name called out over the intercom. She hurried over as directed. At the gate, an Air France official handed Simone the previously lost passport.
Okay. Time to eat those snacks now!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Tout le monde à bord!!!
C'est un fait: B adore les croisières. Et dès qu'il débarque à la fin d'une croisière, sa première question (posée à son père qui a énormément de difficultés à refuser quoi que ce soit à son rejeton) est, "C'est quand, notre prochaine croisière?"
Donc voilà tout notre petit monde encore une fois à bord d'un beau bateau de croisière, destination les Caraïbes. Simone, qui se morfondait avec la pluie et le mauvais temps chez eux, était ravie! Avec des arrêts aux Bahamas et à St-Thomas, le voyage promettait bien.
Hormis la première escale, B ne voulu pas quitter le navire, ce qui fut que Simone et son mari profitèrent d'un voyage presque "adulte". Et oui! La raison pour laquelle B adore les croisière, c'est en fait la garderie pour enfant qui lui plait. Ils offrent des jeux adaptés aux âges des enfants et B ne manque jamais de se trouver quelques copains. Tout le monde en a pour ses frais: Simone visite le spa; son mari fait un petit tour au casino et B a des amis de son âge. Super!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013
How hungry ARE you?
Monday, April 15, 2013
Est-ce que tu suce tes doigts?
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Translation work
"What are you doing, Mom?" B asked.
"I'm working," Simone replied.
"What's your work?"
"Translation," she said, typing as she spoke.
"What's translation?"
Simone thought about this for a moment, struggling to come up with a definition that would not culminate in another question. "People send me a story in French and I translate it or write it in English."
B thinks about this for a moment. "I could do that! Here, let me have your computer."

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Je t'aime telle que tu es...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
How much time is that?
"Mom?" B asked. "Is 30 minutes an hour?"
"Nope," Simone replied absently as she chopped some celery. "Thirty minutes is half an hour."
"Oh." B considered this for a moment. "So 60 minutes equals an hour?"
"Yes," Simone stopped chopping and paid more attention.
"Okay. So is 110 minutes equal to two hours?"
"Almost two hours," Simone corrected, glad she'd stopped chopping. Knives and math don't mix well with her.
"Ah, okay. I get it," B smiled. "120 minutes makes two hours."
"That's right," Simone beamed.
"And 180 minutes makes three hours. 240 minutes is four hours?"
Yup. Not bad for a six year old...

Monday, April 8, 2013
Where's my ABC carpet?
"Mom, I need your help," said B.
"Okay," said Simone. "What do you need help with?"
"Follow me," he says. "It's in my room."
He leads Simone into his bedroom and goes straight to the closet. Simone's heart sinks as B stares up at the closet shelf.
"Where did it go?" B wonders aloud.
Simone takes a cautious step backward but it's too late: B has remembered her presence there. "Where's my ABC carpet?" He asks pointedly. "It used to be on my shelf. Right there." He points at the now empty shelf.
"Um..." Hedges Simone. "I don't know." Strictly speaking, this is true.
"Did you just bring it to Goodwill?" He asks, knowing his mother's habits.
"I didn't JUST bring it to Goodwill," protests Simone. It had been at least two months since she'd brought the carpet to Goodwill.
"That's it," B threw his arms up in the air. "I'm writing a letter to Santa."

Friday, April 5, 2013
J'ai un p'tit creux...
Une quinzaine de minutes avant d'aller au lit, B, fixé devant l'écran de télévision, annonça, "J'ai faim. Maman, tu me ferais des biscuits, s'il te plait?"
Simone n'était pas d'accord. "Je n'ai pas le temps de faire des biscuits, voyons! Nous allons nous coucher dans quinze minutes!"
B vérifia l'heure et constata que oui, en effet, il était presque 20h30. "Bon, d'accord," il poussa un énorme soupir. "Tu n'as qu'à me faire UN biscuit."

Wait... This is the last shopping day, isn't it?
Simone's hubby left for work on December 24 and Simone raced around doing chores. Yes. Doing chores. She had a houseguest. She had groceries to get. She had cleaning to do. She had meal preparations to prepare.
Wait, she thought. She had groceries to get. On December 24. The shopping trip to be avoided at all cost, the one that involved hordes of irate, last minute shoppers loomed. Simone decided to hit the store as soon as the doors opened and, miraculously enough, nobody else was shopping at 8 in the morning. Simone purchased her groceries, headed home and wondered what she'd do for the rest of the day.
Too funny. No. She headed home and wrapped the presents she'd neglected to wrap. That would have been... oh... thirty of them?

Thursday, April 4, 2013
Better yet... Don't call us
Simone checked her messages and realized that she'd missed the confirmation call for an upcoming home delivery. "Darn," she muttered. She had wanted to change the delivery day altogether. She jotted the call back number given and promptly called.
"Hello," said the canned voice. "You have reached delivery company XYZ. If you wish to make changes to an existing delivery, please press 1."
Simone pressed 1.
"Hello. You have reached delivery company XYZ. If you wish to make changes to an existing delivery, please press 1."
Simone pressed 1.
"Hello. You have reached delivery company XYZ. If you wish to make changes to an existing delivery, please press 1."
Simone pressed 2. Then, later 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and even 0.
"Hello. You have reached delivery company XYZ. If you wish to make changes to an existing delivery, please press 1."
Probably that means that nobody can make changes to an existing delivery...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Un petit voyage en solitaire

Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Who's the fastest???
Quiz time with B.
"So," he asks. "Which animal is the fastest in the world?"
"The cheetah!" Dad answers immediately.
"Wrong!" B replies. "The fastest animal is a bird."
"Yup. I'll give you a hint," he grants magnanimously. "It starts with a 'p'."
"Pigeon?" Dad hazards, frowning because that obviously is not the right answer.
"Nope. The peregrine falcon!" B corrects him. "I learned that on 'The Cat in the Hat'."
A quick check on the internet reveals that the kid and The Cat are right. Technically. "The peregrine falcon only FALLS the fastest!"
"Sure," B allows. "But he falls the fastest on purpose so it still counts as the fastest."
Geez. How do you argue with that kind of logic?
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