Friday, April 5, 2013

Wait... This is the last shopping day, isn't it?

Simone's hubby left for work on December 24 and Simone raced around doing chores. Yes. Doing chores. She had a houseguest. She had groceries to get. She had cleaning to do. She had meal preparations to prepare. Wait, she thought. She had groceries to get. On December 24. The shopping trip to be avoided at all cost, the one that involved hordes of irate, last minute shoppers loomed. Simone decided to hit the store as soon as the doors opened and, miraculously enough, nobody else was shopping at 8 in the morning. Simone purchased her groceries, headed home and wondered what she'd do for the rest of the day. Too funny. No. She headed home and wrapped the presents she'd neglected to wrap. That would have been... oh... thirty of them? Sigh...

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