Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Anything at all?

The doorbell rang and, amidst a flurry of racing dogs and wild barking, Simone opened the door. Two young men, dressed in suits, stood there smiling. Ugh. "Yes?" She asked. "We'd like to speak to you about the bible," the one closest to Simone said. Simone firmed her resolve, having learned the hard way that it was best to simply tell them no. "I'm sorry. I'm not interested." Their smiles faltered only briefly. Then the young man furthest from Simone chimed in, "That's fine. Before we leave, is there anything we can do to help you? Anything at all?" Simone opened and closed her mouth a couple of times and considered asking them whether they could do roofing work before sending them on their way...

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