Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Concert time

Simone had barely returned from France that her schedule already seemed overwhelmingly busy. B had a day camp to attend but, midweek, he also had a concert to go to: his very favourite band, One Direction, was playing in Toronto. Simone picked B up after camp and drove to the downtown Toronto hotel near the venue. They checked into their room, tiptoeing quietly: hubby was already sleeping in the bed. "When can we go? When can we go?" B hopped up and down impatiently. "After you eat something. The show doesn't start for another two or three hours," Simone replied. Fortunately, the concert was steps away from the hotel. Unfortunately, Simone, unlike other chaperones attending the concert, forgot to take earplugs. The average age of the concertgoers was, oh, 11, and a majority of the preteens were female. Females who screamed, squealed and shrieked at, seemingly, every possible opportunity. By the end of the concert, Simone wasn't even sure whether the concert had been good. She was, however, certain of one fact: her hearing was most definitely compromised. And B? Bearing a concert memento and the brightest smile a six year old could post, he lit up the Toronto night.

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