Thursday, September 29, 2011

You Are My Sunshine

The 13 year old has been volunteering at a Christian Gift and Book store. While there, she spotted a Precious Moments treasure: a wind up musical statue that plays "You Are My Sunshine".

That song happens to have been one of the 13 year old's favourites when she was a little girl. She would request it ad nauseum of her mother, who complied for as long as her voice would hold out. And here it was, a memento of treasured moments, all in one neat package with a voice that wasn't going to wear out!

The store owner watched in bemused silence as the 13 year old wound the display model for the umpteenth time while she worked.

A few days later, a surprise awaited the 13 year old. On her desk was a bag from the store and in it sat a Precious Moments box...

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