Simone had been curious about this procedure for some years. The notion of sticking a vaguely candle like structure in one's ear to remove impurities sounded both frightening and promising. So when a dear friend of Simone's sent out a notice that she was now qualified to do ear candling, Simone jumped on the opportunity.
Candling consisted of lying on one's side with a wax funnel inserted in one's ear. The right side up ear, of course! The practitioner then lights the wax and extinguishes it when it reduces in size. There was a fair amount of crackling in Simone's ear as the wax burned down. A bit of warmth near the end and voilà! The deed was done.
Simone's friend split open the wax funnel. "Sometimes, there's nothing in there," she warned Simone. But Simone's funnel was filled to the brim with gunk.
The other ear suffered the same fate and produced a similar amount of rubbish, left behind inside the wax funnel.
Double yuck.
But on the way home? Simone suddenly noticed that she could hear her radio so well that she had to turn the volume down a few notches. Well, well, well...
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