Simone pondered the question long and hard. While the outing sounded fun, theoretically speaking, would taking a group of three year olds to an outdoor skating rink translate into an actual fun experience?
In the end, Simone purchased a pair of bob skates for the little guy and decided to gamely forge ahead. After all, if everything hit the fan, the library was only a couple of door's down...
So, dressed in full snow gear (snow pants, snow jacket, snow buits, huge mittens and a warm, wool hat) in spite of the relatively balmy 0 degree temperature, Simone and little B drove to the skating rink. Simone parked the car and the two hobbled over to the skating rink. Little B took a tentative step on the ice. His feet went flying and his behind landed with a thud on the ice.
He laughed. Lucky for him, he still wears a diaper.
Cautiously, he inched over to the edge of he rink where Simone proceeded to attach the bob skates onto little B's boots. He protested vociferously to this outrage. This delayed take-off by considerable minutes because he kept kicking the bob skates. When little B finally realized that the skates were not an ancient torture device (little did he know), he managed to take three steps before the bob skates became undone.
Sighing, Simone pulled off her mitts and attempted to re-attach the skates on the wriggling child. Five minutes and two frostbitten fingers later, she tried to hoist the child to his feet and the bob skates fell off again. In the end, it took nearly an hour but they made their way around the skating rink... once.
Thank goodness there was hot chocolate at the end of the run to warm those frozen fingers of Simone's!
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