Simone's life is presently undergoing some drastic changes. And, as is often the case when drastic changes occur, a thorough review of what works in her life and what doesn't has ensued.
One of major time "eaters" in her life was a little photo sharing website called Flickr. It also proved to be a source of friction between her husband and herself. Since Simone can ill afford time losses and friction, she has made a difficult decision: to stop using Flickr altogether. This precedes her decision to stop using the internet for Lent and will, sadly, last beyond it.
However, in the interest of entertaining her loyal friends and fans, Simone is currently considering starting a blog, with a daily picture, once the sediment settles at the bottom of this very murky pond. If this interests you, please do let her know...
As someone who followed both your streams on Flickr I am sad to see you go. I hope all does go well, and if you do happen to post photos anywhere we would always be happy to experience them!
Thanks for the great posts both here and on flkr! Please know your groves of fans support you and yours now and always:)
bestest regard,
Not sure how that would be any different, Mistress.
No, I suppose that a blog wouldn't be much different. It could possibly be a limited time only sort of option. Thirty days? Less? More?
We agree with Michael! Sad to see you disappear off of Flickr, but understand the time & commitment involved. All the best & should you return in another form(blog/website...whatever) we will be sure to support you!
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