Simone held off turning the air conditioning on. Then the temperature went from 15 degrees Celsius to 25. Okay, so she could sleep with the window open.
She went to bed at 8:30 pm. Hubby was already snoring by then, his earplugs firmly inserted. Simone fell fast asleep but was woken up by an urgent need to use the facilities that left a mess. She cleaned up the mess and went back to sleep.
At 11 pm, she woke up, heart pounding as she stood next to her bed. She could hear a little boy screaming in pain. Not little B, thank goodness but the next door neighbour's squeals had woken her up nonetheless. She tried hard to go back to sleep and finally succeeded some time before midnight.
At midnight, a group of people decided to take their party outside their house. They laughed, argued, shouted for the next two hours as Simone prayed for them to please go to bed. Please.
At two fifteen, the alarm rang.
(By 3 am, the air conditioning had been turned on and the windows had all be firmly shut...)
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