Last night, a big storm ripped through town. The lid flew off the hot tub, all the hanging, potted plants fell off their perches and the rain drenched the land with much needed nourishment.
Also, the power went out.
At nearly 7 pm, the skies were dark. Simone's hubby hurried to finish his work on his laptop. "Only 8% of battery power left," he announced as Simone lit some candles. She placed the candles next hubby so he could see what he was typing.
"Can I blow them out?" Asked little B.
Simone lit a candle just for little B to blow out. She repeated this procedure several times.
"Only 3% left," hubby called out. And the lights showed no inclination of turning back on. "Done!" He said. "Oops! I can't print this," he realized.
Simone hustled little B upstairs for a bath, since television and internet were temorarily out of the question. Hubby relaxed on the bed during this time and fell promptly asleep shortly before the little guy climbed out of the tub.
To while away the time before sleep, Simone and little B played a memory game then headed to her office where little B showed Simone the miniature treasure chest she keeps there. "Can we open it?" He asked hopefully.
Simone smiled. She couldn't remember what she'd put in the locked box and knew that she'd love opening it.
Every day brings unexpected joys...
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