No, not the intestinal kind of gas...
This morning, Simone heard the dogs barking in their cage. She let them outside so they could do their business then turned the stove on to heat up her kettle. A few minutes later, it was time to let the dogs back inside.
Simone dutifully let them in, bending down for the usual meet and greet, then led them back to their cage where she told them to go back to sleep after they ate their treat. After all, it was merely 4 in the morning - definitely not time to get out and play.
Only the puppies did not go back to sleep, as was their custom. In fact, they yipped and whined and scratched at their cage. Simone sighed and let them go outside again.
But when the dogs were in their cage again, the infernal racket began anew.
Simone paused to blow her nose for the zillionth time that morning - dang cold had her sinuses all stuffed up! - before she remembered her kettle. Only the kettle was not boiling. Not at all. But the element on the stove was releasing all kinds of gas that Simone was only beginning to smell now that she stood close to the appliance.
As soon as Simone turned off the element and opened the window to clear the air in the house, the puppies settled down to their nap. Just goes to show that the puppies sometimes do know best...
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