Simone et al stayed in a hotel Saturday night. Simone and the 13 year old were attending a concert in the downtown area and Simone thought they might as well turn the occasion into a mini-holiday.
Prior to their departure, there was some hesitation. The 4 year old had been sick. Should he stay home with Daddy? However since he showed signs of recuperation, Simone decided to bring him. The boy spent a part of the day sleeping but perked up enough in the evening to go to the play centre and generally act like a proper 4 year old.
As a result of all his naps, little B couldn't get to sleep. At 10:30 pm, Simone left him in his hotel bed and informed him she was going to sleep herself.
At midnight, the little guy was wandering around the hotel room, looking for Mom. Sighing, Simone joined him. The little guy pulled the curtains open. "It's daytime," he declared, in direct opposition to the facts.
After some yawned negotiations, Simone told the little guy, "Either you go back to bed with me and Daddy or I climb in with you but either way, I'm going to sleep."
Little B chose the "Mom goes to sleep in my bed" option. Only he does not make a good bedmate. He rolls around, talks and screams in his sleep and walloped his mother on the head more than ones as he rolled over.
Someone remind Simone NOT to use the "I'll sleep with you" option with the four year old. Because sleep is not part of that equation.
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