Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Simone's hubby cooked up scallops that he wrapped in bacon. Simone fairly salivated at the smell. The 14 year old gave her plate a suspicious glare. "What's this?" She asked. Duly informed, she took a few cautious bites after which she declared, "I don't like scallops wrapped in bacon." "Why not?" Simone asked. "They're delicious and they're cooked perfectly!" "There's a big bone in them!" Wailed the 14 year old.
Simone thought about this for a few seconds and found herself at a loss for words. "Um, what bone?" She ventured finally. "This bone!" The 14 year old pointed, her voice seething with exasperation. "Dear. That's a toothpick. You can take it out anytime you like." Oh.

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