Friday, October 19, 2012

The chef hits another home run

Simone's hubby went grocery shopping. He returned, humming happily, with half a dozen grocery bags in tow. He kicked everyone out of the kitchen then chopped, added, stirred, heated, mixed for what seemed like an eternity. After a couple of hours of toiling and boiling, the kitchen smelled heavenly. The house smelled heavenly. Simone's stomach gurgled unpleasantly, demanding food. Now. "It'll take a couple of hours at least," warned hubby. Simone considered this and took little B and the dogs out for a walk. A long walk. A long, long walk. When they got home, the food still needed more cooking time. So when Simone sat down at the kitchen table, fork and knife expectantly in hand, her hunger had reached drooling at the mouth proportions. Hubby did not disappoint: his pulled pork sandwiches tasted deeeeee-vine! Simone STILL salivates at the thought of those pulled pork sandwiches.
(Hint. Hint. Make 'em again, k?)

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