Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The return of the secretary

For years, Simone experienced something of an attendance issue with her children. Each and every one of them, in their primary school years, regularly arrived late at school. This meant that the secretary, Mme P., was regularly (read daily) forced to issue handwritten late slips for each child. This resulted in bad feelings, whereby Mme P. would greet Simone with a glare worthy of melting a glacier. Simone grew rather frightened of said secretary but, at the same time, was quite comfortable with her. But then Mme P. retired! That's right - she completely left! A world without the morning glare reduced the daily lateness to dull tedium... Still, Simone got used to the lack of antagonism until one day, six years later, when she brought B to school (late), she spotted Mme P. in the school hallway. Simone nearly jumped out of her skin. But Mme P. did not glare. No. She beamed from ear to ear, greeted B (whom she'd never previously met, having retired when Simone was pregnant with him) and HUGGED Simone. This was a great shock. A great shock indeed. Retirement does strange things to secretaries...

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