Thursday, March 5, 2015

Finally off to Normandy!

We woke up somewhat refreshed from a long night's sleep, in a hotel somewhere near the Loire Valley. I was somewhat less refreshed than hubby and B, given that a) I'd stopped to eat dinner while they fell asleep and b) as per usual, a translation assignment had come in for me so I'd stayed up late to finish it This resulted in me sleeping in the car on the way to our rental house in Normandy. We stopped at the shopping mall shortly before arriving and bought my dad and stepmother a washer and dryer. The washer and dryer was meant as a present for Christmas for them and... for me. Since they have neither, when I visit, I always end up bringing too much clothing. Nobody was in any mood to cook dinner that evening so my father's invitation was a welcome surprise: we were all invited for supper at his house, in Condé-sur-Iton. Okay... Back on the road...

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