One little girl was adamant that she would not share "her" fort with any boys. Unfortunately, the two other girls involved in the building of the structure had other ideas.
"We want the boys to play too!" They complained.
"We want to play," chimed in the two boys concerned.
Simone asked the little girl whether the boys were playing nicely.
"Yes," she nodded sullenly. "They are."
"Then there's no reason for the boys to be left out," deemed Simone.
Four children cheered. One walked off, her head hanging down. Simone caught up to her and discovered that she was crying.
"All the other boys are going to come now," sobbed the little girl. "They'll wreck our fort."
"Aren't you giving up before anything bad happens?" Asked Simone. "Why don't you go back and play to see what happens?"
The little girl cried a little longer but eventually she walked back toward her friends. The boys couldn't have been that awful after all: they all played together until the bell rang...
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