Tuesday, September 16, 2014

We're in Vancouver! (Are we there yet?)

All things considered, especially after a 5 hour flight in front of a screen that didn't work, I was thinking... yeah, Vancouver would be a lovely destination. And it was sunny when we landed - not a cloud in the sky! But it was not to be. We had another flight to catch and a long hike through the airport maze to get to the U.S. destination gates. I squealed when I saw our gate: San Francisco! We were going to San Francisco!!! By the time we landed, it was after 10 pm, local time. We headed to the car rental agency where the line up was short but lengthy and, of course, we were attended to by a trainee. A very pleasant trainee but a trainee. By 11 pm, we were ready to go. "Don't worry," hubby said. "It's only an hour and a half to Monterey." I think my eyes rolled to the back of my head. B and I were asleep before we even left the city. I woke up as we drove past the Denny's in Monterey. My husband is the best :)

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