Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Le grand spectacle

Il ne reste que quelques jours avant le spectacle. Le GRAND spectacle. La fille de 10 ans a réussi à obtenir une place dans ce spectacle et elle n'arrive plus à se tenir tranquille. Il faut absolument que tout soit parfait.

Il lui faut un sac de couchage. Il lui faut un thermos avec du thé. Il lui faut des vêtements pour le spectacle.

"Et tes devoirs?" demande Simone.

"Ah, oui," fit-elle avec un air rêveur. "Mes devoirs."

"Tu vas les faire?" insiste Simone.


"Tes devoirs," dit Simone, qui commence à s'énerver. "Tu vas faire tes devoirs?" Simone se dit que si elle fait une phrase complète, il y aura peut-être une petite chance que sa fille arrive à la comprendre.

"Oui. Après le spectacle. Est-ce que je peux me maquiller pour le spectacle?"

Simone pousse un soupir. La semaine va se passer très, très lentement à ce rythme là!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Round and Round the Mulberrry Bush...

Baby B races around the kitchen and dining room. When he gets to the dining room, he pushes the buttons on his alphabet toy until he finds a song he likes. The moment the song starts up, he races towards the kitchen and over to the chair where Simone is typing away.

"Ggg," says Baby B.

Simone dutifully stops typing and, using a fork, pops a grape into Baby B's mouth.

He runs back to the dining room and pushes the button again. Tinny music fills the house as Baby B runs back to Simone.

"Bah-nah," says Baby B.

Simone pops a slice of banana into Baby B's mouth.

Away he goes; back he comes.

"San?" he asks hopefully.

"No problem," says Simone as she puts a piece of cream cheese and jam sandwich into Baby B's mouth.

"Aap ten?" Baby B asks when he returns next.

First put away your alphabet game and the flashcards you were playing with.

The alphabet game is put away pronto but the flashcards require some finesse. Baby B soon brings the load of them to Simone. She puts them in the box. He grabs the box and tosses it into the hallway closet, shutting the door afterward.

"That's not where they go," says Simone.

Baby B sighs and removes the cards from the closet to put them in the drawer where they belong. "Se-hen?" he asks as he carts the box away.

"I don't know where the seven is," replies Simone, her eyes glued to her computer screen. "The card has disappeared somewhere..."

Baby B sits down next to Simone. "Aap-ten?"

"Okay," Simone smiles at her handsome little bear. "Let's play a computer game."

Friday, March 27, 2009

La scène en A majeur...

Simone sentait bien que le petit allait craquer. Il semblait être de bonne humeur mais le jour précédant, il avait fait la même bêtise à plusieurs reprises, histoire d'énnerver Maman. Simone rangeait donc la plupart des jouets au fur et à mesure que Bébé B les déplaçait.

Pourtant, le moment arriva. Bébé B commença à s'énnerver. Il fit le tour à la course du jouet avec lequel il jouait. Au passage, il lança un coup de pied vers un autre gamin de son age. Le coup n'atterit pas et Bébé B, pas content d'avoir raté, se mit à prendre les petits personnages en plastique de son jouet pour les lancer de l'autre coté de la salle de jeux.

"Bon," déclara Simone. "Tu ranges les jouets."

Là, ce fut la crise!!! Pas question de ranger les jouets. Pas question de sortir et d'enfiler les bottes. Pas question d'enfiler son manteau d'hiver. Pas question... Hé! Ho! Simone avait attrapé le petit, ses bottes, son manteau et trimbalait le tout vers la voiture. Arrivés à coté de celle-ci, elle déposa Bébé pour ouvrir la porte. Bébé B hurlait de plus belle, car le sol était très froid. Simone installa Bébé B dans son siège auto, fit le tour de la voiture et s'assis derrière le volant.

"Tu n'as pas été gentil," dit-elle à Bébé B.

Bébé B bégaya... "Pppppardon."

"Tu veux ré-essayer? Tu veux ranger les jouets et jouer gentiment avec les autres?"

"Oui, oui," s'empressa de dire le petit.

Soupir de la part de Maman.

Soupir de la part du petit.

Ce n'est pas facile de négocier avec les enfants de 2 ans - mais c'est beaucoup moins compliqué qu'avec ceux de 20 ans!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Semi-permanent needles - Bah, humbug!

Simone went to a physiotherapy session today. She had every right to expect that she would come out of the place feeling better. She did, didn't she?

But noooooo! The physiotherapist, displeased with Simone's lack of overall progress, decided that she would insert some semi-permanent needles in Simone's ears. Not in the lobes - that would be too simple and likely less painful. Noooo! The therapist inserted the pain inducing devices in the recesses and curves of Simone's left ear.

The first one was bad. Simone expected worse for the second. Nothing prepared her for the third.

"Curse!" said Simone. Well, she didn't actually say "curse" but you can substitute your favourite swear word and you'll get the idea. "That cursing hurt. Curses! Bodily fluid! Oh, excuse me," she added belatedly. Simone hoped that Baby B had not heard the special words. Imagine if his first words were "Curse and bodily fluid"!

After the insertion, Simone reported nausea, dizziness and general unwell feelings. Did the therapist care? Noooo! She dragged Simone over to a very detailed map of some poor unfortunate's ear. It showed where the meridian points for various body parts ended in the ear - the perfect place for acupuncture needle insertions.

"See?" The therapist pointed to the spots where she'd inserted needles into Simone with blatant lack of empathy for her patient's pain. "This one will help your headaches and this one will help your nausea."

Simone considered the picture and its labels dubiously.

"The needles will help bring your body into balance," insisted the therapist. "They won't hurt you."

Simone sighed. And she'd thought that training a German Shepherd pup and a recalcitrant 2 year were painful enough activities...

It would take a physiotherapist to prove her wrong!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Un chien à bout de souffle

Ça y est! Simone a finalement découvert la formule magique!

Eliot, le berger allemand, se comportait très, très mal dès qu'il apercevait un autre chien. Il aboyait, tirait comme un défoncé et malmenait Simone.

Simone a essayé de taper sur le museau du chien. Ça n'a rien donné. Enfin, si - Simone s'est fait très mal au doigt. Le chien a éternué et s'est remis à aboyer et à tirer comme un défoncé.

Simone a essayé d'arroser le museau du chien avec une bouteille d'eau. La bouteille est tombée sur le pied de Simone. Le chien s'est arrêté le temps de se marrer et s'est remis à aboyer et à tirer comme un défoncé.

Pas contente, la Simone. Du coup, elle se décide de consulter ses mémoires... Que faire, que faire? Elle trouve la solution. Il faut montrer au chien qui est le patron. La prochaine fois que le chien aboie, Simone se bat avec lui et ils finissent tous les deux allongés dans la boue. Mais Simone a repris le dessus et le chien n'en revient pas. Il essaie un petit ouaf, histoire de s'égosiller. Simone le jette par terre.

Ils vont voir la copine d'Eliot, une jolie chienne bien calme. Eliot se met à aboyer et à... Simone le jette par terre. À la troisième répétition de cet excercise, le chien soupire. Et... c'est fini! Ils avancent à pas de loup vers sa copine, Simone le libère et les deux chiens s'amusent comme des petits fous.

Le chien fait une belle sieste maintenant et Simone aimerait beaucoup faire la même chose mais il y a le petit de deux ans qui insiste que non, c'est plutôt le moment ou maman doit porter ses talons rouge alors qu'il enfile les talons jaunes...

Simone aussi sait soupirer profondément...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The licensing bureau

It started out poorly, as far as mornings go, but Simone persevered. She had errands to go, places to visit and by gosh, she was going to cross everything off her list. Dressed to kill, because if you keep the good China for the "special" visitors, you'll end up with a life full of regrets, she headed off to the mall to renew the cars' license plate stickers.

Baby B was in fine spirits. These days fine spirits mean that he was spitting up a storm and watching the drool dangle from his chin. Fortunately, he was sitting in his car seat at the time so Simone was not covered in the fluid this time. They arrived at the mall and Simone parked relatively close to the doors to the licensing bureau. Baby B objected almost immediately: they were going in the "wrong" doors. The French daycare centre is through another set of doors and he was bound and determined to head over there.

Undaunted, Simone plodded along, dragging the reticent toddler along.

"Up!" he commanded when it became obvious that Simone meant to avoid the French daycare centre.

Perhaps Simone should have listened.

Baby B proceeded to scream louder as they headed into the mall. Combined with the echo factor, he garnered a fair bit of attention from passersby. He then inched further and further away from Simone. While she was dressed to kill, Simone was not dress for search and rescue - never mind a high speed foot chase in the mall. Baby B bounded off, still screaming, toward the bowling alley. "Baw, baw!" he shouted, meaning, no doubt, "Ball." Simone was unimpressed. Toddling on her heels, she finally managed to reach the runaway.

"Baw! Baw!" he shouted.

Simone grabbed the boy's juice cup and stuffed it in her coat pocket then tossed the screaming, kicking child over her shoulder. Managing to stay upright, she headed back toward the French daycare centre. The child screamed through the entire transaction - fortunately, there were only a handful of people in the licensing bureau, most of them staff.

"It's kind of funny to watch you," remarked one staffer to Simone. "Especially when you have your own."

Simone made a face. Funny loses its flavour very quickly when the kid screaming and making a fuss is your own...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tu veux faire une promenade?

"NON!" s'écrit l'intéressé.

"Tu as une belle coupe de cheveux," remarque sa soeur.

"NON!" hurle-t-il.

Il faut dire que samedi dernier, Bébé B a fait une scène en A majeur. Papa voulait que Bébé B se fasse couper les cheveux. Simone insistait qu'il valait mieux attendre que Bébé B soit plus raisonnable. Au centre d'achat, il y a un salon de coiffure avec des sièges en forme de personnages animés et plusieurs télés qui ne jouent que des émissions pour enfants.

"Ça ne peut pas rater," déclara Papa.

Simone, qui a survécu plusieurs séance de coupes de cheveux avec Bébé B n'en était pas si certaine. Bébé B non plus. Après avoir faire le tour des lieux, il décampe rapidement, ses parents à ses trousses. Quelques minutes plus tard, il se calme et, lorsque Simone lui demande s'il veut bien se faire couper les cheveux, Bébé B dit, "Okay."

"Vous voulez quoi comme style?" demande la coiffeuse.

"Je m'en fout," dit Simone. "Mais je vous préviens qu'il va falloir faire vite."

Les ciseaux sortent de leur étui et Bébé B commence à s'énnerver.

"Bon," soupire Simone. "Il va falloir que je le retienne." Finit les sièges en formes de personnages. Elle s'asseoit dans la seule chaise "normale", enfile une cape et, pendant les 15 prochaines minutes, tente de retenir un enfant qui n'a pour seule envie que de déguerpir. Quand ils sortent du salon de coiffure, Bébé B ne porte plus son pull, ses cheveux sont nettement plus courts mais il a l'air d'avoir été coiffé par un enfant de 5 ans. Simone est elle aussi en train de se déshabiller: son pull blanc est recouvert de cheveux et ça pique!

Papa sort finalement du salon de coiffure après avoir payé. "Bon," dit-il. "Je crois qu'on ne recommencera pas avant que Bébé B n'ait cinq ans. Qu'est-ce que ça peut faire s'il a les cheveux longs?"

En se dit Simone, ravie de ne pas avoir à envisager une autre scène pareille avant quelques année. Qu'est-ce que ça peut faire?

Friday, March 20, 2009

One pimento, Two pimentos, Three pimentos... FIRE!!!

Why? Because a young man wants to prove that he can climb the mountain, that's why.

Given a hot pepper - and duly warned that should he eat it his mouth would explode - the 17 year old decided to try it anyhow.

First, he cut the pepper in half and removed all the seeds. Well, most of the seeds. Clearly, he'd done this kind of nonsense before.

He gave a sliver of pepper to his girlfriend. And a seed. Why? Because a woman wants to prove that she too can climb the mountain.

He prepared the antidote (a glass of milk). Then he and his girlfriend sat down at the table.

She slipped the sliver into her mouth. A second later, she made a face but gamely swallowed the rest of the pepper. She reached for the antidote but the 17 year old, not wanting to run out of antidote for himself, beat her to the glass.

One sweet look from the girl of his dreams and the 17 year old relinquished his grasp on the precious elixir.

Then it was his turn. He popped the entire pepper in his mouth at once. As the chewing began, his face turned a violent shade of red. Sweat poured from his pores. A look of concern dissolved into one of pain. The glass of milk, now half-full, was guzzled down in mere milliseconds. Tears streamed down the boy's face. He stumbled to the fridge, searching in vain for more antidote. Sadly, there was no more milk.

The bread was hidden to prevent over-consumption and bloating.

The 17 year old spied a can of Guinness. He guzzled that down.

It didn't help.

Gasping for air, he bent over the kitchen table as his beloved looked on helplessly.

There are no pictures of the faces he made as the pepper exited his body. Simone is sure that her readers will thank her for this...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Froot Loops ou raisins au chocolat?

Le grand amour demande si peu...

Bébé B a reçu un beau bol rempli de Froot Loops et de raisins au chocolat au centre de la petite enfance. Il a regardé ce cadeau et, ravi, s'est mis à manger chaque Froot Loops un par un.

La petite fille à coté de lui a regardé son bol à elle et s'est mise à manger chaque raisin au chocolat un par un.

Bébé B a fini de manger ses Froot Loops. Il avait évidemment encore faim, car il s'est mis à regarder dans les bols de ses voisins. Sa voisine avait beaucoup de Froot Loops. Il a profité d'un moment ou elle lui tournait le dos et lui a chipé un Froot Loops.

Simone, qui voyait que la petite préférait les raisins au chocolat, a pris un des raisins à Bébé B et le lui a offert. Les grands yeux bruns de la mignonne s'écarquillèrent mais elle accepta le cadeau sans plus mot dire.

Bébé B se servit donc un autre Froot Loops d'une main et de l'autre, tendait un raisin au chocolat à sa nouvelle amie. Conquise, elle avait la bouche grande ouverte prête à dévorer l'offrande. Du coup, elle tendit un Froot Loops à Bébé B qui lui aussi ouvrit sa bouche.

Il ne se quittèrent plus pour le restant de la matinée.

Il en faut si peu...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Vite, vite, ça va se refroidir!

Simone est sortie hier sans son manteau d'hiver. C'était un exploit, surtout en mars. Et, pour le summum, c'était la fête de la Saint-Patrick! Le mari a ramené des bouteilles de bière irlandaise pour fêter ce jour mémorable. Ce qu'ils fêtaient n'était pas tout à fait clair mais ils se sont beaucoup amusés.

Les enfants, eux, ont trouvé cela moins drôle. Maman en bikini vert dans le bain tourbillon, ça ne les a pas amusé. Du coup, l'enfant de 17 ans a déguerpi avec sa copine.

"J'vais fêter ça à ma façon," grommela-t-il. "M'man, habille-toi comme il faut, veux-tu?"

"Mais je vais dans le bain tourbillon," protesta Simone. "Tu voudrais peut-être que j'y aille toute nue?"

"Ah non!" s'exclama-t-il en claquant la porte derrière lui.

"Tu ne vas pas y aller toute nue?" s'inquiéta la fille de 10 ans.

"Meuh non," promis Simone.

"Moi j'vais chez mon copain," déclara le garçon de 13 ans.

C'était beaucoup plus facile, pensa Simone, lorsqu'ils étaient assez petits pour se faire envoyer dans leurs chambres...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sneaking in a blog entry...

Bowling is the sport of choice unless...
It's March break. All the kids are home save one. Baby B is pushing the buttons on the phone: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..." The 13 year old is on facebook. The 17 year old is filling out scholarship applications. The 15 year old is with her boyfriend. The 10 year old is putting a bag of homo milk in the skim milk holder. The 19 year old is in school. University students don't get March break. And in the midst of this quiet, Simone sits back and writes: a welcome break from the usual dose of chaos.

The sun shines outside and the temperature tickled the high teens. Speaking of teens, several were spotted around town wearing summer wear. Optimism dies hard in this cold, hockey town...

Friday, March 13, 2009

La semaine de relâche commence... AUJOURD'HUI!!!

Ça commence bien, cette semaine de vacances. Le mois de mars est tellement déprimant... Il fait encore froid mais il y a quelques jours ou la température grimpe et là, la neige fond. Ce qui laisse des flaques de boue partout. Le chien, qui ne porte pas de souliers, revient toujours de ses promenades avec la moitié du voisinage dans ses poils.

Le bébé se promène avec une couverture sur sa tête. Il se cogne la tête contre les murs et se met à rigoler. Il est sans doute stressé parce que tout le monde est à la maison et ça dérange sa routine. Du coup, il décide de faire tourner la chaise dans laquelle Simone est assise...

La fille de 10 ans a une liste de matériaux nécessaires pour un projet qu'elle doit rapporter à l'école après la semaine de relâche.

Le garçon de 13 ans fait l'inventaire de tous les tiroirs de la cuisine et veut savoir pourquoi il y a du neuf et combien Simone a dépensé pour acheter ces nouveautées.

Et hop, Simone embarque tout le monde dans la voiture pour une petite visite au Coin des petits, histoire de changer d'horizons... la semaine risque d'être très, très longue...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm so gosh darned tired!!!

Baby B went without a nap yesterday.

By 6:30 pm, he was thoroughly out of sorts. He climbed on the dog, waking poor Eliot from his evening nap. He tossed the television converter across the room. He opened the office desk drawers and rifled through them for something sharp. The best he could come up with was a pen.

"Put that down," said Daddy, who doesn't like pen marks in unusual places.

"Do you want some paper?" asked Simone, who tries to encourage creativity in a safe manner.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" yelled Baby B, who was trying to stab the television with the pen.

"Okee dokee," said Simone equably. She slipped the pen out of Baby B's hand.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" yelled Baby B, stomping his feet into the hardwood floor and pulling at his hair.

"Time to go up for a bath," said Simone cheerfully.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" yelled Baby B, futilely trying to resist arrest by punching at Simone's thighs.

Simone picked up the screaming baby and brought him up to the bathroom to get ready for a bath. Baby B immediately jumped at the door handle and tried to get out. Simone sat in front of the door, blocking any escape attempt. To illustrate how truly angry he was, Baby B wrapped both hands around his toy giraffe's neck and shook the poor toy vigorously. He then attempted to reach the doorknob again but his mother would not let him by. Baby B resolved this dilemma by head butting his mother. Said mother grabbed Baby B, picked him up and put him down on the floor in a prone albeit kicking position. Baby B immediately realized he'd gone too far and gave Simone a hug, collapsing in sobs on her lap. When the child resumed breathing normally, Simone asked, "Do you want to get your special bed toy?"

Baby indicated that yes, he would like to do just that. The toy having been retrieved, Simone and Baby B returned to the bathroom. But Baby B was not ready for a bath just yet. He wanted to cuddle. And cuddle was all he did, for no more than one minute later, he'd fallen fast asleep. So had Simone...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Une petite soif

Simone n'est pas une mère exemplaire: il n'y a qu'à le demander à ses enfants. D'ailleurs, cette photo risque de le prouver. Le mari de Simone, qui a d'abord trouvé l'image très drôle, a vite voulu savoir pourquoi Simone n'avait pas empêché le plus jeune de boire dans le bol du chien.

Simone n'avait pas de réponse faite sur mesure.

"Euh, ben," balbutia-t-elle. "C'est que ça fait plusieurs mois que je voulais le prendre en photo comme ça mais je n'avais jamais l'appareil sous la main. Normalement je lui dis de sortir son nez de là mais aujourd'hui..."

N'empêche qu'elle est tout de même marrante, cette photo...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spray Bottle, Anyone?

Eliot says, "Puh-leaze don't spray me again?"

After months of dilly-dally, Simone finally purchased a spray bottle for the purposes of training the dog.

Problems... well, there were a few...

The dog likes to lie down in the middle of the floor during meal preparation. While Simone could not help but admire Eliot's entrepreneurial spirit, he was nonetheless underfoot and causing humans to trip over his prone form. This was a dangerous practice for dog and humans alike. No form of entreaty would convince the dog to remove his person (!) from the kitchen.

The dog barks at his shadow. No joke. He goes nuts when he sees his shadow. Maybe he's scared?

The dog likes to visit his humans when they are sitting on the couch, preferably with laptop computers on their laps. Simone's not sure about your computer but hers doesn't work well when it's covered with dog drool.

Enter the spray bottle. One spray and the dog retreated and kept his mouth shut. Two problems with one squirt! Not a bad plan!

Now Simone wonders if the bottle would work for disciplining children...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mais elle vient d'où, cette idée?

Le principe est peut-être bon mais lorsque l'heure change en mars, ça chamboule tout! Dimanche matin, Simone aurait aimé faire la grasse matinée mais le mari avait d'autres idées en tête. Et oui! Il allait se lever tôt et profiter du fait que tout le monde ou presque ferait la grasse matinée. À 21 h, Simone n'en pouvait plus de profiter de cette heure... Elle s'est endormie assise sur le fauteuil devant la télé.

Mais l'histoire ne finit pas là! Lundi matin et le garçon de 13 ans, secoué à 7h30 pour qu'il se réveille à temps pour aller à l'école, se rendort et ne se réveille pas avant 8h30. La fille de 10 ans, qui a juré d'arriver à l'école à l'heure aujourd'hui, dort jusqu'à 8h. Simone a décidé de préparer une sauce maison pour les pâtes, et elle aussi est en retard.

"Savais-tu," demande le mari de Simone, "Qu'il y a une couche de glace qui mesure presque 2 centimètres sur ta voiture? Les locataires sont enfermés au sous-sol parce que leur porte extérieure est recouverte de glace elle aussi. Tu ferais mieux de démarrer ta voiture si tu veux arriver à l'heure aujourd'hui."

Simone démarre sa voiture mais c'est peine perdue... Le garçon de 13 ans décide de prendre une douche à 8 h 35. La fille de 10 attend que le garçon parte à l'école pour pratiquer ses trois chansons (sinon il y aurait des crises) et du coup, puisque celui-ci est très en retard, elle ne commence son répertoire que quelques minutes avant 9 h.

"Tu appeleras l'école pour leur dire que je suis en retard," affirme le garçon de 13 ans à Simone.

"Tu rigoles!" se marre Simone. "T'avais qu'à te lever à l'heure."

"J'aimerais cela si tu appellais l'école pour leur dire que je suis en retard," corrige le garçon de 13 ans.

"Tu es charmant mais ça ne suffit pas. Allez, ouste!"

Et dire que la course du lundi matin ne faisait que commencer...

Friday, March 6, 2009

It's sunny, it's warm - and Simone grumps out!

The day started off well. Simone noted the warm temperature and decided she would walk the 10 year old to school. Unfortunately, the 10 year old had other ideas. Told she needed to organize her day so that she could make it on time, the 10 year old did so. But forgot about a crucial presentation she had to make in front of her class today. It involved, of course, a certain amount of preparation which required, of course, a certain amount of time.

The walk was sacrificed in favour of the less environmentally-friendly drive as time quickly ran out.

Baby B took advantage of the delay to toss all the plastic food items out of his kitchen, throw the toy cars from the car park all over the second floor, slide alphabet puzzle pieces under the bathroom door and stack his trains and wagons in an unsightly pile in the middle of the exercise area. Simone had no time to deal with the mess, adding to her already grumpy mood.

After dropping the 10 year old off at school, Simone and Baby B proceeded to the French children's play centre. Baby B promptly removed all the toys off the play table and placed them on the floor. He then tackled a boy who was playing with the car park. Simone and Baby B sat for a few minutes together before Baby B became reasonable again and cleaned up his mess.

When they left the play centre, Baby B was intent on shopping in the dollar store. Simone objected. Baby B threw a temper tantrum. Simone tossed him over her shoulder and headed for the exit. Baby B kicked off his boots. Simone placed Baby B on the ground for a minute, grabbed the boots, tackled Baby B as he tried to make his escape and went to the car as quickly as possible.

Time to walk the dog. The dog thought he was a sled dog and Simone pulled something in her lower back trying to keep the stroller from becoming buried in the mud where the dog was dragging it. By the time she got home, she was far from pleasant. The dog, sensing Simone's mood, prudently kept out of her reach. Baby B, showing similar intuition, played with his potty and a sponge. Cleaning, apparently. (There was nothing in the potty but air.)

Simone grabbed some food and sat at the computer. "I," she declared, "am not speaking to anybody until my work is done."

This declaration brought no objections...

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Le dressage d'Eliot avance à petits pas et à coups de laisse.

Les petits pas viennent de Simone. Les coups de laisse viennent du chien. Le chien tire la laisse aussi fort que possible. Simone refuse de le laisser avancer. Le chien s'arrête, regarde autour de lui et, dès qu'il regarde Simone, elle lui disait, "Bon chien!" et le manège recommençait.

Hier, une amie de Simone les observait.

"As-tu essayé de lui dire, 'Marche!' quand tu es prête à avancer? Il me semble que ton chien interprète 'bon chien' comme voulant dire 'tire aussi fort que possible'."

Sur le coup, Simone s'est sentie un peu vexée. Après tout, la commande semblait plutôt évidente. Réflexion faite, elle se dit qu'il valait mieux faire contre mauvaise fortune bon coeur. Et du coup le miracle eu lieu: Simone et Eliot ont fait une promenade complète sans engueulade! Ça se trinque!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Calm AFTER the Storm

The lack of naps has taken its toll on Baby B.

Last night, after a full day of revelling, he crashed on the couch right in the middle of a television show he wouldn't have been watching had he had enough energy to protest. Simone carried him upstairs, put him down on her bed, removed his clothing, changed his diaper, put on his pajamas and brushed his teeth. Other than a couple of half-hearted sucks at the toothbrush, he slept through the entire ordeal. Simone plopped him into his bed a few minutes later.

Fast forward to morning. Very early morning. 5 am. Okay, so that may not constitute "early" for some people, but it does for Simone. Baby B began hammering the wall with his heels. He'd had enough sleep!

By the time Simone dragged herself to get Baby B out of bed, she noticed that the child did not look very rested. In fact, he looked pretty well ready for a nap. He ate his breakfast well enough but then his behaviour began to show signs of strain.

He didn't want to come down the stairs to put his boots on.

He didn't want his jacket on.

He didn't want to go out the door.

He didn't want to go to the car.

He didn't want to go in his car seat.

He didn't want... well, at this point, Simone tuned out the wails. They headed to a clinic where they had an appointment and by the time they reached the building, Baby B had calmed down. He walked into the building, pushed the elevator buttons, walked into the offices and sat down on the chair next to Nan. Just as he settled in, they were called into the doctor's office. There ended Baby B's good mood.

He didn't want to go into the doctor's office.

He didn't want to calm down.

He didn't want to be quiet.

He didn't want his ears inspected.

He didn't want the doctor near him.

He didn't want a sticker.

Oh, wait! He did want a sticker!

NO!!!! He didn't want a sticker!

Sum total? Baby B fell asleep in the car on the way home and he's STILL napping two hours later. Maybe he wasn't completely ready to give up sleepies yet...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Une sortie imprévue

Bébé B ne fait plus la sieste l'après-midi. Bon, d'accord, cela ne dure pas depuis longtemps. Mais voici deux jours d'affilé qu'il n'a pas l'air très fatigué, voir plutôt excité à l'heure de sa sieste. Simone, qui ne voulait pas se retrouver sans ses deux heures de temps libre l'après-midi insistait depuis quelques mois que Bébé B fasse sa sieste. Mais il avait du mal à s'endormir le soir. Souvent, on pouvait l'entendre chantonner les lettres de l'alphabet à 11 heures du soir.

Les deux derniers jours sans sieste on tout changé. À 8 h pile, Bébé B est endormi. Simone se morfondait, bien sur. Il n'est pas facile de travailler, faire la cuisine, faire le ménage et écrire des romans avec un petit de deux ans qui veut sans cesse son tour sur l'ordi. Les enfants de tous ages sont des tyrans mais à deux ans, pas question de raisonner avec eux!

Du coup, lorsque la gardienne de Benjamin a contacté Simone pour lui demander si elle pourrait bien emmener Bébé B dans un terrain de jeu au sud de la ville, Simone a sauté sur l'occasion! Simone a même donné un bonbon au petit chenapan pour l'amadouer: il ne voulait pas quitter "Nan". Les voilà partis, Simone est seule avec le chien - qui n'avait pas l'air de comprendre pourquoi son copain partait en voiture sans maman - et elle peut écrire tout ce qui lui passe par la tête sans avoir à expliqué que les jeux d'ordi seront pour plus tard si Bébé B se comporte bien.

La vie est très belle quelquefois ;-)

Monday, March 2, 2009

waddya mean "no nap"?

The day finally arrived... Baby B officially did not have a nap yesterday. Of course, he'd accidentally missed a nap here and there due to travel or other unavoidable circumstances - but Simone had never purposefully let Baby B play through the afternoon. She left him in the care of the 17 year old while she and hubby went grocery shopping.

Baby B had a great time with the 17 year old. The 17 year old, however, prefers the company of very few people, preferably those over the age of 15. So the 17 year old pawned Baby B off on the 10 year old. The 10 year old had just finished cleaning her bedroom and Baby B ransacked it. She was not impressed.

When Simone and hubby got home, Baby B played some more. Simone waited for him to show signs of fatigue. Not only did he not slow down, but his attention span appeared to improve with time. Simone, who wanted to bake an apple pie, started her project. Normally, she'd wait for Baby B to sleep but since that wasn't happening on Sunday...

Well, Baby B insisted on sitting on the counter where Simone mixed the ingredients for her crust. Then he insisted on helping add ingredients to the bowl. Then he insisted on mixing the ingredients with his spoon. Then he yelled at Simone for using her hands (washed first, thank-you) to mix the crust together. Simone sagely moved on to cutting apple slices while Baby B recovered somewhat from the shock this ignonimy had caused him.

It took a long, long, long time to make the apple pie.

Baby B's bath almost took longer: he looked like a bleached prune by the time the tub drained completely!

But what happens to writing time for Simone?
