Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sneaking in a blog entry...

Bowling is the sport of choice unless...
It's March break. All the kids are home save one. Baby B is pushing the buttons on the phone: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..." The 13 year old is on facebook. The 17 year old is filling out scholarship applications. The 15 year old is with her boyfriend. The 10 year old is putting a bag of homo milk in the skim milk holder. The 19 year old is in school. University students don't get March break. And in the midst of this quiet, Simone sits back and writes: a welcome break from the usual dose of chaos.

The sun shines outside and the temperature tickled the high teens. Speaking of teens, several were spotted around town wearing summer wear. Optimism dies hard in this cold, hockey town...

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