Why? Because a young man wants to prove that he can climb the mountain, that's why.
Given a hot pepper - and duly warned that should he eat it his mouth would explode - the 17 year old decided to try it anyhow.
First, he cut the pepper in half and removed all the seeds. Well, most of the seeds. Clearly, he'd done this kind of nonsense before.
He gave a sliver of pepper to his girlfriend. And a seed. Why? Because a woman wants to prove that she too can climb the mountain.
He prepared the antidote (a glass of milk). Then he and his girlfriend sat down at the table.
She slipped the sliver into her mouth. A second later, she made a face but gamely swallowed the rest of the pepper. She reached for the antidote but the 17 year old, not wanting to run out of antidote for himself, beat her to the glass.
One sweet look from the girl of his dreams and the 17 year old relinquished his grasp on the precious elixir.
Then it was his turn. He popped the entire pepper in his mouth at once. As the chewing began, his face turned a violent shade of red. Sweat poured from his pores. A look of concern dissolved into one of pain. The glass of milk, now half-full, was guzzled down in mere milliseconds. Tears streamed down the boy's face. He stumbled to the fridge, searching in vain for more antidote. Sadly, there was no more milk.
The bread was hidden to prevent over-consumption and bloating.
The 17 year old spied a can of Guinness. He guzzled that down.
It didn't help.
Gasping for air, he bent over the kitchen table as his beloved looked on helplessly.
There are no pictures of the faces he made as the pepper exited his body. Simone is sure that her readers will thank her for this...
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