Friday, September 21, 2012

When I grow up...

Little B's teacher gave the class an assignment: to tell the class what each of them wanted to be when they grew up. They could, if they wanted to, draw a picture of themselves as grown ups at work. "So what do you want to be when you grow up?" Simone asked little B. "A superhero." A superhero? While Simone could, in theory, understand that superheroing was a laudable occupation, she had some difficulty figuring out why little B was so gungho on becoming one. "Why a superhero?" She asked. Little B shrugged. Apparently, this was something he could not put into words. "Can you draw me a picture of what a superhero does?" Simone asked. "Yeth!" little B exclaimed. He then proceeded to draw a superhero, recognizable by the cape and tight costume, who helped a person who in turn thanked the superhero. Well, when you put it that way, Simone would like to be a superhero too!

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