Lots to do for Simone this morning. In addition to the usual littany of chores and homework to supervise, she promised the 19 year old that she would make the drive to Toronto so she could visit the digs he'd been living in since September.
The sidewalks and roads were infested with ice but a promise is a promise. Simone buckled Baby B in his seat, having informed him that they were in for a long ride, buckled herself in and took off for the highway. After a mere 10 kilometres, they hit their first road block: the traffic stopped to a standstill. Simone, who was desperately wishing she could be a couple of inches taller so she could see over the streak the windshield wipers were leaving behind, muttered at the absurdity of driving to Toronto when the weather was clearly not in any mood to cooperate.
Baby B took it all in stride, staring out the window and occasionally petting "dog" who had decided to brave the ride next to his best friend.
Simone quickly put ont the news radio station to find out whether the hold up would take long and was surprised to discover that traffic resumed its normal pace moments after the traffic news even came on.
"Highway _ _ _ is closed today," the announcer said in a bored voice. Clearly, she did not have to fight traffic today or she would have at least put a little feeling into her voice.
Simone, Baby B and Eliot trudged along nonetheless, squinting through the very dirty windshield. When they'd nearly reached Toronto, Simone discovered that if she managed to stay just the right distance away when following another vehicle, the wet sludge splattered on her windows actually cleared her sight. That was about when she noticed that hubby had called her on her cell.
"You rang?" she said, calling him back.
"Yeah, the roads are really bad today. You might want to reschedule your trip to Toronto."
When Simone drove up to the 19 year old's building, she puttered around for a few minutes. All the visitor parking spots were taken!
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