The alarm clock sounds early for Simone Maroney. Each weekday morning, it rings at 3 am. Then it rings again with some regularity until 3:40 am when, tired of hitting the snooze bar, Simone's husband finally gets out of bed. Unable to sleep anymore - in fact, Simone wakes up before the alarm goes off on most mornings - Simone follows hubby out of bed and starts her morning routine.
The question is... with so much time between waking up and the inevitable awakening of the soon to be 3 years old little monster, why does there seem to be so very little time for... exercising?
Everybody should exercise, right? We all know it's good for you, keeps the body healthy, full of pep. It's especially important to exercise if you lead a sedentary lifestyle... Yep. Simone's heard it all. So why does all this talk of exercise suddenly make her yawn and want to reach for her pillow?
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