Simone has made a mid-year resolution: it is presently summer in September. So far this summer, Simone has worn a sundress a total of three (3) times and two of those times, she felt obligated to wear a coat over the sundress, thereby rendering the wearing of said dress irrelevant, due to the coolness of the temperature. She has worn shorts twice. Capris, tights, pants and even (gasp) sweaters have been de rigueur. Simone was feeling deeeep-pressed. Where had summer gone to? Where was it vacationing? Why wasn't she dripping with sweat and complaining about the heat? And fall was approaching; the days were getting shorter. Simone felt cheated!
Then one morning, Simone took the dog out for his walk and instead of noticing the chill in the air seeping through her leather coat, she decided to pay attention to the incipient warmth permeating the neighbourhood.
"Ah!" she said out loud. "This is a beautiful September morning! Just the kind of morning that makes you believe that summer will last forever."
Voilà! The trick was done. Simone is back to her happy-go-lucky self, enjoying the extended summer warmth and getting ready for Hallowe'en!
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