Little B enjoys playing soccer.
He really, really enjoys playing soccer.
Every Tuesday, he plays soccer at the community centre.
This past Tuesday happened to be his last soccer class and Coach S invited all the parents in to watch and take pictures. Simone arrived first, early enough to witness her little guy chase after one of his teammates. The other parents, who were chatting in the lobby, missed the incident.
"That's MY ball!" Cried little B.
Little A, bent on kicking the ball into Coach S's net kept going. Seconds later, little A tripped and landed on top of the ball. Little B jumped on top of little A, saying, "Give me my ball!"
Coach S ordered the boys apart and put the ball back in play. After all, this was supposed to be a friendly skirmish. Once the final picture had been taken and the kids gathered back in the lobby to put on their coats, Simone pulled her little miscreant aside.
"You are NOT supposed to jump on another player to get the ball when you play soccer," she informed him. "Especially if he happens to be your teammate."
Little B made a face.
"You're going to have to say sorry," said Simone.
"Sorry," parroted little B immediately.
"Not to me," sighed Simone. "To him."
Little B grumbled but did as he was told.
"You're supposed to SHARE the ball," replied little A to little B upon receiving the apology.
Sigh. Share the ball... You mean as in pass it back and forth? Ah! It's a fine line indeed...
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