Little B had behaved exceptionally well that morning so Simone asked him whether he might like to walk over to the donut store.
"Oh yes! Can I have a double chocolate donut?"
Simone couldn't see any reason why not so off they went down the road on an adventure.
When they entered the steamy coffee shop, a line of ten or so people waited more or less patiently for their turn to come. Outside a few cars were going through the drive-through. Simone thought briefly that she should have driven but she quickly chased the silly idea from her head.
Then she noticed the unthinkable: there was only one double chocolate donut left on the rack.
Little B pressed his face against the glass of the juice stand, bumped into the lady in front of them in line and introduced himself to the lady behind them in line. Finally it was their turn but the clerk, who'd been a model of efficiency until now, decided to wipe down the counter before addressing Simone.
At last, the clerk put down the rag he'd used. Behind him, the drive-through clerk bagged the last double chocolate donut for one of his customers.
"Good morning," said Simone's clerk cheerily. "Welcome to Tim's! What can I get for you today?"
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