Little B read a book where the children played with a pinwheel. So, of course, he wanted a pinwheel.
"We can make one!" Simone suggested brightly.
"Okay," little B conceded somewhat uncertainly.
Simone promptly went online and got a pattern for a pinwheel. It was so simple that she needn't have bothered but little B was thrilled with the butterfly pattern and spent a good fifteen minutes decorating the insects with bright colours.
She then located an unsharpened pencil and a thumb tack. The pinwheel looked perfect! Simone blew on it and it turned, maybe a little sluggishly but it turned. Little B tried blowing: nothing. No movement from the pinwheel. He blew harder, spittle splattering everywhere (hey, he's 4). Still nothing.
Finally, quite determined to make his dream pinwheel come true, he brought the pinwheel closer to his face. Little B blew onto the pinwheel and, discreetly, moved the pinwheel with his index finger.
"There!" He claimed joyously. "It moved!"
Indeed it did!
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