Baby B was very happy. He had managed to "sneak" three letters from his alphabet puzzle out of the house. A, B and C. Unfortunately, on his way out the door, he dropped one of the letters.
"B!" he screeched. "B! B! B!"
"We'll find it later," soothed Simone. "We have to go to the doctor's office right now."
"B! B! B!" insisted Baby B.
Simone tucked the reluctant child into his car seat and walked around to the driver's seat.
Grandma approached her. "Do you think I could borrow that bracelet that the little guy was playing with last night?" she asked Simone. "I'd like to wear it to the funeral I'm going to today."
"Sure," said Simone. "Can you keep an eye on Baby B while I run upstairs to get it?"
Grandma was waving her hand around Baby B when Simone returned to the car, bearing the requested bracelet. "What are you doing?" asked Simone.
"He's complaining about a bee," explained Grandma, waving frantically. "I can't see one but you know, with my eyes."
Simone sighed and decided that it would take too long to explain. "Here," she said, handing Grandma the bracelet. Grandma smiled and thanked Simone.
"C!" screeched Baby B, spying the exchange and recognizing his favourite, because of its "C" shape, bracelet.
"See what?" asked Grandma, still waving her hand and peering about anxiously. "Is the bee back?"
"C!" Hollered Baby B, tears streaming down his face.
"Gotta go," said Simone, moving between Grandma and the car in order to shut the door. Simone then sat down in the driver's seat.
"I!" said Baby B, who recently decided that he did not like his face wet with tears. An unfortunate dislike when one is a toddler and prone to fits of crying.
"I'll wipe your eyes in a second," sighed Simone.
"B!" sighed Baby B. He sobbed a couple of times. "C!"