Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A little under the weather...

Simone thought she'd get no writing done today. She woke up late, had lots to do and a visit to the clinic scheduled for mid-morning. No time, no time...

Baby B woke up in a foul mood. This is highly unusual. Most mornings, Baby B can be heard singing his ABC's and generally having fun in his crib as he strips out of his pajamas and plays with his toys. It's a crowded bed.

Today, however, there were no songs. A couple of occasional "Nan!" were heard. When Simone finally answered the boss's call, he was lying in bed, his pjs half-heartedly removed so that he still wore the top half. "Nan," he said, spying his mother and removing his thumb just long enough to speak.

"Hey baby," said Simone. When she lifted the little guy out of bed, Simone noticed that he was a little warm. Uh-oh, she thought. "Want some medicine?" asked Simone.

"Yeh!" said Baby B, mustering just enough enthusiasm for a smile.

He's napping now. For the first time in several months. And so Simone DID get to do some work after all...

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