Simone has a method when it comes to Little B's tantrums. She lets him have the tantrum, watches to make sure he doesn't injure himself and generally waits things out. Yesterday, however, she was faced with several dilemnas.
Simone et al went to Toronto. Simone does not like to drive into town as she has an unfortunate tendency to get lost. Plus she considers the parking fees astronomical but that's a different story. So. She decided to park her car at Yorkdale Mall and hop on the subway to go visit her brother and his family.
Temper tantrum number one: on the way from the parking spot to the elevator, Little B refuses to hold Simone's hand.
Location: parking garage floor
Temper tantrum number two: on the way to the subway, passing by the smoothie stand, Simone refuses to buy Little B a smoothie on account of the fact that he's been screaming since she picked him up from the parking garage floor.
Location: Yorkdale mall floor
Interlude One: Simone purchases tokens for herself and the older child accompanying her. Little B, who still gets in for free, pushes the stile when his older sibling puts her token in, thereby forcing Simone to dish out another token.
Interlude Two: Little B, in an effort to get out of the prison created by his sister and mother, crawls under the subway seats and tries to make a getaway.
Temper tantrum number three: Simone unwisely guides Little B through the revolving doors of the hotel where her brother is staying. Little B screeches but can't figure out how to get out again without using the revolving doors again.
Location: floor of fancy schmancy hotel (probably the cleanest place so far)
Interlude Three: While everyone puts on their swimsuits, Little B polishes off all the creamers in his Aunt and Uncle's room.
Interlude Four: Simone removes Little B's lifejacket because it's nearly time to go and he's shown no interest in swimming. Simone's brother starts a splashing mania war with his daughter and niece. Little B wants to help and slips into the water. In the deep end. Fortunately, Mom was right beside him and pulls him out immediately.
Temper tantrum number four: Little B does not want to leave because his sister is staying behind to play with her cousin. Simone, however, has to head home because the dog is going to explode.
Location: ground outside fancy schmancy hotel (not so clean this time)
Temper tantrum number five: somebody pushed the pedestrian crossing button before Little B
Location: sidewalk
Temper tantrum number six: Simone would not let Baby B walk down the stairs by himself
Location: bottom of stairwell of subway station
Interlude Five: Little B sits still and cuddles with his mother in the subway and nicely holds her hand as they head out of the station and into Yorkdale Mall while trying not to inhale noxious garbage fumes.
Interlude Six: Simone buys Little B a smoothie from the smoothie stand at Yorkdale Mall. He picks out a green straw and is extremely pleased with the purchase. They head toward the elevator to get back to the car at an extremely slow pace as Little B is very intent on consuming his smoothie.
Temper tantrum number seven: Little B rushes by a man on crutches to try to get to the elevator button while attempting to pass the smoothie to Simone. Simone fumbles. The smoothie falls to the ground precisely where Little B would have to stand to push the elevator button. Little B demands that Simone clean up the mess.
Location: Yorkdale Mall floor. Again. Away from the smoothie mess, thank goodness.
Simone's gonna stay at home today. Okay?